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Добавлен: 2008-10-26 20:48:58 блограйдером DrakAngel

The Preset Manager in Photoshop

2011-06-22 17:00:49 (читать в оригинале)

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Are you new to Photoshop? Have you been trying to teach yourself the basics of Photoshop but have found the amount of educational material available on the net a bit overwhelming? As the world’s #1 Photoshop site, we’ve published a lot of tutorials. So many, in fact, that we understand how overwhelming our site may be to those of you who may be brand new to Photoshop. This tutorial is part of a 25-part video series demonstrating everything you will need to know to start working in Photoshop.

Photoshop Basix, by Adobe Certified Expert and Instructor, Martin Perhiniak includes 25 short video tutorials, around 5 – 10 minutes in length that will teach you all the fundamentals of working with Photoshop. Today’s tutorial, Part 26: The Preset Manager is a bonus tutorial in this series and will explain how to use Photoshop’s preset manager to help you manage your collection of Photoshop brushes, gradients, swatches, and more. Let’s get started!

Part 1

Part 2

Тэги: basix, tip, tool, video


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