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Announcing the Photo Retouching Competition!

2011-07-13 10:05:38 (читать в оригинале)

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We’re very excited to let you know about a new photo retouching competition, in partnership with Nik Software and Creattica! Read on to find out how you can put your photo retouching skills to the test and win some fantastic software…

The Prizes

First Prize (x1)

Nik UltimateThe first prize consists of the Nik Software Complete Collection Ultimate Edition, with a suggested retail price of $599.95.

The Complete Collection includes all of Nik Software’s latest award-winning plug-in software titles for Photoshop, Lightroom and Aperture including:

  • Dfine® 2.0
  • Viveza® 2
  • HDR Efex Pro™
  • Color Efex Pro™ 3.0
  • Silver Efex Pro™ 2
  • Sharpener Pro™ 3.0

All products feature Nik Software’s patented U Point® technology, giving photographers the most powerful tools for precise and natural photographic enhancements and corrections without the need for complicated selections or layer masks.

Runner Up Prizes (x3)

We’ll also be choosing three runners up, who will be able to pick any single Nik Software product for their prize. You can see a complete list here, and download trials for any products that you’d like to try out. Each of these usually retails at around $99.

How to Enter

We have a fantastic photo retouching category on Creattica, and it’s the perfect way to show off both your photography and post-processing skills.

To enter, all you need to do is submit an example of your photo retouching work to Creattica in the next two weeks! It could be anything at all, but will need to pass the regular approval process we have for Creattica submissions. The process works as follows:

  1. Sign up for a Creattica account (if you don’t have one already)
  2. Submit your entry, being sure to select the “Photo Retouching” category
  3. We’ll approve your entry and add it to the site!

Remember to keep your work natural, and don’t go overboard with the retouching. When it comes to post-processing, less can often be more!

After two weeks, we’ll collect all the new submissions and choose our favourite as the winner. Best of luck – we’re looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

The Fine Print…

The competition will run for two weeks, closing at Midnight GMT on Tuesday 26th July. Anyone is eligible to enter worldwide, but not if you’re an employee of Envato.

The winners will be chosen by the Phototuts+ Editor, the Psdtuts+ Editor, and the Tuts+ Manager, with an announcement taking place shortly after the competition closes. All product keys will be delivered electronically (we won’t be shipping actual boxed versions of the software).


Just so you know the type of thing we’re aiming for, here are a few examples of some of the fantastic retouching work on Creattica already!

Тэги: new


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