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Добавлен: 2008-10-26 20:48:58 блограйдером DrakAngel

Understanding Light, Shading, and Shadow in Photoshop

2011-09-14 18:00:58 (читать в оригинале)

Photoshop is an excellent tool for manipulating photographs but it can also be used as a means to create stunning digital art. This tutorial is part of a 25-part video tutorial series demonstrating everything you will need to know to start producing digital art in Photoshop. Digital Art for Beginners, by Adobe Certified Expert and Instructor, Martin Perhiniak will begin by teaching you how to draw in Photoshop. At the conclusion of this series you will know all you need to produce your own concept art and matte paintings in Photoshop.

Today’s tutorial Part 8: Understanding Light, Shading, and Shadow in Photoshop will explain how to use different types of lighting to help you define three dimensional objects. We will also discuss how to create an appropriate shadow given a light source and how that light will affect objects in your scene. Let’s get started!

Тэги: basix, drawing, video


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