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суховей из петербурга
суховей из петербурга
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://d-su.livejournal.com/
Добавлен: 2007-11-29 11:28:13 блограйдером Lurk

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2012-11-27 12:06:11 (читать в оригинале)

The AVANT-LEFT Poetry Festival (a poetry festival in various cities)

Director – Daria Sukhovey, poet from St.Petersburg, Russia

This will be the third time the festival has been held. It takes place at the beginning of the calendar year (from January 1 till January 7, 2013), each day is spending in another city. The texts by all the poets from the previous city are traveling with the curator of the festival to the next city and are recited by the poets present at the event there. Some participating poets live in the city where the event is going on, some are visitors to this city.

The timeline of the three-year history of the festival (in blog, in Russian) can be traced here: http://d-su.livejournal.com/tag/%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%82 . It is a very simple and free way to accumulate the festival information, links, media-content, etc.

The festival with all the poetry events will follow this path:
St. Petersburg, Russia, on Jan 1, 2013
Vilnius, Lithuania, on Jan 2, 2013
Riga, Latvia, on Jan 3, 2013
Minsk, Belarus, on Jan 4, 2013
Kiev, Ukraine, on Jan 5, 2013
Kharkov, Ukraine, on Jan 6, 2013
Moscow, Russia, on Jan 7, 2013.

2013 celebrates the centennial anniversary of the blossoming of Russian literary avant-garde, futurism. Therefore, there are three reasons to choose this name, LEFT (only in the sense that has to do with arts!). The main goal of The AVANT-LEFT Festival is uniting literary communities, the objectives are: popularization of the contemporary poetry, establishing new relations in the poetry wor(l)d, ‘combatting the geographical gap’ (now it will be 5 countries!), and, finally, publishing a book with all the poems of the festival.

Daria Sukhovey had already lead two festivals of the like. In 2011 it was The All-Goes-Well (‘Vse Putem’) Avant Festival, which traveled to Moscow, Ryazan, Tsarskoe Selo (Pushkin), St. Petersburg and Gatchina (Leningrad District), 30 poets took part. After this festival, there was published a book called ‘Snezhny Kom’ (The Snowball).

In 2012, it was The Avant-2012 Festival, which traveled to Veliky Novgorod, Tver, Nizhny Novgorod, Kirov, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Moscow, Kaliningrad and St. Petersburg. It was given an occasional grant by The Finances and Development Foundation, 91 poets took part. It was the longest continuous and the geographically widest poetry project in contemporary Russia! The final book is titled ‘Na zimnih poezdah’ (On Winter Trains). Along the whole route of the festival, the St. Petersburg poet Valery Zemskikh helped with the organization of the readings in the all cities.

Тэги: english, авант


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