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2013-02-09 03:28:45 (читать в оригинале)

order penegra 100Remote monitoring of structural and physiological changes in fern (Pteris vittata) plants during phytoremediation of Cr and As contaminated soils. 2 Maruthi Sridhar, B.B., F.X. Han, S.V. Diehl, D.L. Monts and Y. Su. 2004. Discrimination of chromium phytotoxicity to plants using hyperspectral reflectance. SSSA annual meetings, Nov 1-4, Seattle, WA. Maruthi Sridhar, B.B., S.V. Diehl, Y. Su, D.L. Montsand F.X. Han. 2003. Changes in anatomical characters of plants subjected to weighty metal contamination. SSSA annual meetings, Nov 2-6, Denver, CO Maruthi Sridhar, B.B., S.V. Diehl, Y. Su, D.L. Montsand F.X. Han. 2003. Monitoring structural changes of fern (Pteris vittata) during phytoremediation of Cr and As contaminated soils. 57 Maruthi Sridhar, B.B., Y. Su, S.V. Diehl and D.L. Monts. 2003. Monitoring the internal constitution of barley plants subjected to metal phytoremediation. 7 Maruthi Sridhar, B.B., Y. Su, D.L. Monts, S.V. Diehl and F.X. Han. 2003. Phytoremediation of Cr and As contaminated soils using brake fern plants. Southern States Environmental Convention, Sep 23-25,Biloxi,MS Maruthi Sridhar, B.B., Y. Su, S.V. Diehl and D.L. Monts. 2003. Structural and ultrastructural changes in plants subjected to metal phytoremediation. 7 Maruthi Sridhar, B.B., S.V. Diehl, Y. Su, D.L. Monts andF.X. Han. 2003.

Monitoring structural changes in plants during phytoremediation of Cr and As contaminated soils. Proceedings of Southeastern Microscopic Kingdom Convention,Columbia,SC. Maruthi Sridhar, B.B., Y. Su, D.L. Monts and S.V. Diehl. 2002. Monitoring folio reflectance and internal constitution of barley during phytoremediation of enormous metals. SSSA annual meetings, Indianapolis, IN. Su, Y., B.B. Maruthi Sridhar and D.L. Monts. 2002. Monitoring the case of phytoremediation of metal contaminated earth by Near IR Reflectance spectroscopy,ACS Call,Orlando,FL. Su, Y., B.B. Maruthi Sridhar and D.L. Monts. 2002. Monitoring the case of phytoremediation of zinc by barley (Hordeum vulgare) using visible and near infrared diffuse reflectance spectrometry. The 9 Su, Y., B.B. Maruthi Sridhar, F.X. Han, D.L. Monts and S.V. Diehl. 2002. Monitoring the strength of substantial metals on plant reflectance and internal period constitution during phytoremediation development.

USEPA – Spectral remote sensing of vegetation Convention,Lasvegas,NV. R.K. Vincent and B. B. Maruthi Sridhar. Calibration and Validation of Remote Sensing Information for the Lower Colorado River Region, 2007-2011, $56,000. (Funded – USBR subcontract finished Central Administration University) R.K. Vincent and B. B. Maruthi Sridhar. Monitoring Agricultural Sewage Sludge, 2010- 2013, $468,000. (Funded – USDA subcontract ended University of Toledo) R.K. Vincent and B. B. Maruthi Sridhar.

Monitoring Agricultural Sewage Sludge, 2009- 2012, $101,765. (Funded – USDA subcontract ended University of Toledo)

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