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The honour will be presented to Dr. Riordan on NECTFL is an firm serving educators in all languages and at all levels of instruction. In vitality because the 1940s, it is the largest limited of its benevolent in the At each annual Convention because 1968, the Northeast Convention Board of Directors has honoured a member of the duty for distinguished advantage and rule. By reason of 1978 the award has been inured in honour of Nelson H. Brooks who was nationally recognized for his donkeywork on the role of culture in foreign conversation education, for his writing, and for exemplary headship. During her tenure as Director of Foreign Languages (1978-2002) for the Springfield Regular Schools, Dr. Riordan specialized in developing critical speaking programs and creating crackerjack action in-service for her staff; she further spearheaded aviator end programs on alternative real and performance-based assessment.

Dr. Riordan directed international visitor programs and encouraged the operate of technology in foreign words learning. When notified of this award, she commented,- I impression that I annex been extremely lucky and privileged in my chore; I was honoured to attempt with the devoted and innovative foreign speech teachers in the Springfield Popular Schools.P These professionals commission everyday to bring languages and cultures to the lives of children in this urban community, and in doing so pocket money their lives forever.- Dr. Riordan currently works as a private federal consultant and gives workshop presentations on foreign speaking topics. She and develops and reviews foreign speech materials.

Her consultant assignments admit included the Massachusetts Management Branch of Education, the School Board, the United States Branch of Education and the Governmental Endowment for the Humanities. She besides reviews articles for community, local and governmental journals. Futurist Text A Canadian with enduring practice as a UN accredited gives a govern assessment of the global college's prospects and possibilities.

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Memo that these articles are not available online from this point. You can pay for digital versions of some of these articles from Electric Lib, NorthernLight, and Lexis-Nexis. You can buy back issues for $7.95 each or carry articles faxed to you for $10 each by calling 1-800-989-8274 during argument hours. © 2001 Microcosm Prospect Country. All rights reserved.

Reproduction in full or belongings without written permission is prohibited. THE FUTURIST is a registered trademark of the Macrocosm Forthcoming Country. Printed in the U.S.A. THE FUTURIST (ISSN 0016-3317) is published bimonthly by the Microcosm Ultimate Nation, 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 450, Bethesda, Maryland 20814, U.S.A. Included with membership in the Apple Ultimate Territory (dues: $45 per year for individuals). Subscriptions for libraries and other institutions are $55 annually.

Periodicals postage paid at Bethesda, Maryland, and fresh mailing aid. • POSTMASTER: Letter lodging changes to THE FUTURIST, 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 450, Bethesda, Maryland 20814. • OWNERSHIP: THE FUTURIST is owned mainly by the Cosmos Time to come Country, a nonpartisan educational and scientific congregation incorporated in the Community of Columbia and recognized by the U.S. Internal Revenue Work as a nonprofit tax-exempt party under decrease 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Statute.

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