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Тэг «primo»

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Samsung Google Nexus Prime обзавелся официально страничкой

   2011-09-08 21:00:03
Кoмпaния Samsung вчeрa чeрeз свoй oфициaльный сaйт пoдтвeрдилa инфoрмaцию o тoм, чтo ee нoвый “ ...
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Тэги: google, nexus, prime, samsung, смарты

Android / Nexus Prime уже в предзаказе

   2011-09-08 19:09:25
Просматривал handtec на предмет заказа телефона для своей девушки и наткнулся на телефон, доступный ...
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Тэги: google, nexus, prime, samsung

Create World of Warcraft Inspired Fan Art – Psd Premium Tutorial

   2011-09-08 17:00:50

Most of you are probably aware of the World of Warcraft. In fact, many of you are probably active players. In this Psd Premium tutorial, authors David and Sarah Cousens will demonstrate how to create a dynamic World of Warcraft fan art illustration. This tutorial is available exclusively to Premium Members. If you are looking to take your illustration skills to the next level then Log in or Join Now to get started!

Professional and Detailed Instructions Inside

Premium members can Log in and Download! Otherwise, Join Now! Below are some sample images from this tutorial.

Final Image

Psd Premium Membership

You can join Psd Premium for as little as $9/month. Premium membership gives you access to the source files for all our tutorials as well as access to premium tutorials like this one. This also includes the rest of the sites in our network including Vectortuts+, Webdesigntuts+, Phototuts+, Nettuts, and more! Premium Members can Log In and download this tutorial. Otherwise you can Join Today!

Тэги: illustrate, premium

Маленькое обновление для Self Promo и прочие анонсы

   2011-09-08 11:45:44

Folks, мы тут посмотрели на ставки и динамику в Self Promo (тот самый желтый блок на главной) и ...
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Тэги: promo, self, update, понять, простить

Новая информация об Android смартфоне Samsung Nexus Prime [UAProf]

   2011-09-07 19:13:18
  Смартфон Samsung Nexus Prime появился в профиле агента (UAProf) на веб-сайте компании Samsung. ...
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Тэги: android, cream, ice, nexus, prime, samsung, sandwich, uaprof, смартфон

Страницы: ... 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 


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