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Prince Harry
Naked Photos
During Vegas Rager
Prince Harry put the crown jewels on display in Vegas this weekend ... getting BARE ASS NAKED during a game of strip billiards with a room full of friends in his VIP suite.
It all went down Friday night during a raging party in a high rollers hotel suite.
We're told Harry, along with a large entourage, went down to the hotel bar and met a bunch of hot chicks ... and invited them up to his VIP suite.
Once in the room, things got WILD ... with the group playing a game of strip pool that quickly escalated into full-on royal nudity.
... весело! Программа «
и смешные» ...
Оказывается, эротика не только красиво, но ещё и весело! Программа «Голые и смешные» — лучшее тому доказательство! Веселые розыгрыши обязательно повеселят и позабавят зрителя, а элемент эротики создаст пикантность всей ситуации…