Camila A. Correa et al.
Город со своей историей на склоне Уральских гор и реки Исеть.Екатеринбург – столица Урала, крупнейших город этого региона и четвёртый по численности населения российский город. Этот город совсем молодой, ему нет и 300 лет. Во времена Екатерины II через этот город прошла главная дорога Российский империи – Сибирский тракт, и Екатеринбург стал «окном в Азию» […]
Запись Екатеринбург с высоты птичьего полёта: 25 головокружительных фотографий впервые появилась Сайт Природа.
Удивительные природные столбы в России.По количеству природных объектов Россия находится на четвёртом месте в мире. Особое место среди природных достопримечательностей занимают столбы. Увидеть их можно в различных уголках страны, добраться до них бывает не так легко, но зрелище это действительно впечатляет. 1. Маньпупунёр Скальные образования Маньпупунёр. Скальные образования Маньпупунёр представляют собой 7 гигантских каменных столбов, […]
Запись 5 удивительных природных столбов, которые можно увидеть в России впервые появилась Сайт Природа.
Они прекрасно живут до своих 90-та и частенько переваливают за отметку в 100 лет. Их существование отличает здоровье, но причины, лежащие в основе, часто относятся к культуре. По сути, дело не только в том, что отдельные лица заботятся о себе. Это общенациональный феномен, основанный на образе жизни. Почему определенные страны являются домом для самых счастливых […]
Запись 7 стран, где живут самые здоровые люди впервые появилась Сайт Природа.
World War 3: Nuke war will ...
World War 3: Nuke war will explode on ‘THIS’ date - and it’s just DAYS away
Clairvoyant Horacio Villegas envisioned Donald Trump becoming US president as far back as 2015, predicting he would become the “illuminati king” who will “bring the world into WW3”
Chillingly he also prophesied the leader would attack Syria – which later happened following a chemical attack – and that it would bring Russia, North Korea and China into the conflict.
And just days ago the Catholic follower, who lives in Texas, US, had a “dream” in which “I saw balls of fire falling from the sky and hitting the Earth”.
He told how “people everywhere were running around trying to hide from this destruction,” and that: “I believe these were symbolic of the nuclear missiles that will fall on cities and people throughout the world.”
Now the truth-seeker, who claims God has “kept me single, and with no children just to focus on his message to the people” has come up with D-Day.
It will fall, he says, on the 100th anniversary of the visitation of Our Lady of Fatima – the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus – which is May 13.
This was the day, according to the Catholic faith, that Our Lady visited a village in Portugal to warn people that if her requests to convert Russia to the faith were not followed, God would use the country to wreak havoc on the world.
She warned: “Russia will spread her errors throughout the world raising up wars and persecutions against the Church, the good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated.
It is said Our Lady visited the same village in Portugal on six occasions, and on her last visitation on October 13, 1917, she announced: “The war is going to end, and the soldiers will soon return to their homes.”
Horacio believes this October date to be the day World War 3 ends, but warns it will be too late for many.
He told us: “The main message that people need to know in order be prepared is that between May 13th and October 13 2017, this war will occur and be over with much devastation, shock and death!”
He warns that this occasion – which sees attacks carried out to spark conflicts based on false information – will takes place between April 13 and May 13, and that as well as Syria, North Korea will also be involved.
He told us: “The reason I feel the coming false flag might be during this Holy Week is because just as Christ suffered on a Good Friday at one time, the world is about to enter its Good Friday moment as well and it would fit in God’s timeline as to the start of this dark period in human period in human history that this war would be sparked near Good Friday 2017.”
Ну вот, после майских и начнется...