- What is the statue of the army?
- Two battalions under arms, two in reserve, sire.
- I'll double the watch on all gates, sire.
- Sire, I don't believe Malagant wants war with Camelot.
- Arm reserves. He wants war, Mador, and he think he can win.
- He wants Lyonesse as a buffer.
- He wants Camelot. He always has. How soon could he attack?
- There's no army within five days march of Camelot.
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- May God grant us the wisdom to discover the right, the will to choose it, and the strength to make it endure. Amen.
- Amen.
- My friends, as you all know, I am soon to be married.
- And about time to.
- We have had our share a war. Now I look forward to quieter days. But first, admit our guest. Prince Malagant is here at my invitation.
- May I congratulate the king on his forthcoming marriage. I see my place hasn't been taken yet. To think that I was once first among your knights.
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Смерти в Туманах ...

- Peter. Show us how she goes. She's yours.
- She's beautiful.
- Peter thinks she's not suitable for a lady.
- She's just horse I would've chosen for myself.
- I know.
- How do you know?
- Remember last spring at Lyonesse, when you joined your father and me on the hunt? You were fearless.
- My father's word was "reckless."
- Yes, well, he was always sparing with his praise. Come. So much space, we could almost be alone.
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- Come. Well done. Had you ever run the gauntlet before?
- No, never.
- So how did you do it?
- It's not hard to know where danger is if you watch it coming.
- Well, others have found it hard enough. You're the first one to do it.
- Perhaps fear made them go back when they should have gone forward.
- And you felt no fear?
- No. I have nothing to lose, so, what have I to fear?
- No home, family?
- No.
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