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возрождение 2012-09-22 18:19:31
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Тематические выпуски журналов в 2011 г. 2012-09-15 02:41:00
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Тематические выпуски журналов, вышедшие ...
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Тематические выпуски журналов, вышедшие в 2011 г.
Список будет дополняться
Longitudinal Studies of Leadership Development (The Leadership Quarterly, 2011, 22 (3))
Social Psychological Perspectives on Power and Hierarchy (Administrative Science Quarterly, 2011, 56 (4))
Where are the New Theories of Organization? (Academy of Management Review, 2011, 36 (2))
Person Perception 25 years after Bruce and Young (1986) (British Journal of Psychology, 2011, 102 (4)) Свободный доступ
Career and Work Concerns of Diverse and Understudied Workers (Journal of Vocational Behavior, 2011, 79 (3))
Migration: Vocational Perspectives on a Complex and Diverse Transition (Journal of Vocational Behavior, 2011, 78 (3))
Behavioral Ethics in Organizations (Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2011, 116 (1))
Attributional Influences in Organizations (Group & Organization Management, 2011, 36 (4))
Organizations and Disaster and Terrorism (Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2011, 32 (7)) Свободный доступ
Intra-Individual Processes Linking Work and Employee Well-Being (Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2011, 32(4))
Contemporary empirical advancements in the study of aging in the workplace (Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2011, 32 (2))
Psychology & Poverty Reduction (Journal of Managerial Psychology, 2011, 26 (6))
Excellence in teams (Journal of Managerial Psychology, 2011, 26 (3))
Clinical Case Formulation (European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 2011, 27 (1))
Interdisciplinary approaches to contemporary career studies (Human Relations, 2011, 64 (1))
Another decade of discourse? Evaluating discursive approaches to work and organization studies (Human Relations, 2011, 64 (9))
Bridging the Scholar–Practitioner Divide (The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 2011, 47 (1))
Special Issue on the Next Big Questions in Vocational Psychology and Assessment (Journal of Career Assessment, 2011, 19 (3))
Celebrating 25 years of Applied Cognitive Psychology Самые значимые статьи за 25 лет (Applied Cognitive Psychology, 2011, 25 (S1)) Свободный доступ
Work Engagement (European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 2011, 20 (1))
Understanding Ethical Behaviour and Decision Making in Management: A Behavioural Business Ethics Approach (British Journal of Management, 2011, 22 (S1))
Prejudice Reduction through Extended and Other Forms of Indirect Contact (Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 2011, 14 (2))
Social Influence in Action (Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 2011, 14 (5))
Mergers and Acquisitions: Part 1 (Human Resource Management, 2011, 50 (5))
Mergers and Acquisitions: Part 2 (Human Resource Management, 2011, 50 (6))
Multicultural Graduate Advising Relationships (Journal of Career Development, 2011, 38 (1))
Integrating Organizational Behavior Management and Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 2011, 31 (4)) Свободный доступ
Bridging the Gap Between the Science and Practice of Psychology in Organizations: State of the Practice Reflections (Journal of Business and Psychology, 2011, 26 (2))
African leadership and management (Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 2011, 84 (3))
Long-term developments in individual work behaviour: Patterns of stability and change (Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 2011, 84 (2))
Expanding the boundaries of psychological resource theories (Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 2011, 84 (1))
Engendering Leadership (Gender, Work & Organization, 2011, 18 (3))
Human Performance Uncovering the Nature of Applicant Faking Behavior: A Presentation of Theoretical Perspectives (Human Performance, 2011, 24 (4)) Свободный доступ
Diversity in HRM research (Personnel Review, 2011, 40 (5))
Thoughts on Theories (Journal of Employment Counseling, 2011, 48 (4))
Emerging Roles for Employment Counselors (Journal of Employment Counseling, 2011, 48 (3))
Occupations in Space and Time (Journal of Occupational Science, 2011, 18 (1))
Relationship Dissolution within a Contemporary Context: Implications for Education, Practice and Policy (Family Relations, 2011, 60 (5))
Innovation in Theory and Research on Collective Action and Social Change (British Journal of Social Psychology, 2011, 50 (4)) Свободный доступ
Positive Psychology in Higher Education (The Journal of Positive Psychology, 2011, 6 (6))
European Personality Reviews 2011 (European Journal of Personality, 2011, 25 (4))
Personality and Social Relationships (European Journal of Personality, 2011, 25 (2))
Digit Ratio (2D:4D) and Individual Differences Research (Personality and Individual Differences, 2011, 51 (4))
Personality and Economics (Personality and Individual Differences, 2011, 51 (3))
Anxiety (dedicated to the memory of Professor Blazej Szymura) (Personality and Individual Differences, 2011, 50 (7))
The Psychology of Bipolar Disorders (Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 2011, 18 (5))
The process and products of publishing in school psychology journals (Journal of School Psychology, 2011, 49 (6))
The specialization of function: Cognitive andneural perspectives on modularity (Cognitive Neuropsychology, 2011, 28 (3–4))
The Obama Presidency (Political Psychology, 2011, 32 (6))
Innovation in Theory and Research on Collective Action and Social Change (British Journal of Social Psychology, 2011, 50 (4)) Свободный доступ
Advances in mixed methods in family psychology: Integrative and applied solutions for family science (Journal of Family Psychology, 2011, 25 (6))
The Psychological Foundations of Strategic Management (Strategic Management Journal, 2011, 32 (13))
Neurocognitive Processing of the Chinese Language (Brain and Language, 2011, 119 (2))
Prison Officers and Prison Culture (European Journal of Criminology, 2011, 8 (6))
The Development of Episodic Foresight (Cognitive Development, 2011, 26 (4))
Social Neuroscience of Psychiatric Disorders (Social Neuroscience, 2011, 6 (5–6))
Virtual Issue: Interrogation techniques, information-gatheringand (false) confessions (Legal and Criminological Psychology, 2011, статьи из разных номеров) Свободный доступ
Studies with Children and Adolescents (Rorschachiana, 2011, 32 (2))
The Health Benefits of Nature (Applied Psychology: Health and Well-being, 2011, 3 (3))
Virtual Special Issue: Celebrating Applied Psychology: An International Review's 60th Birthday (Applied Psychology: An International Review, 2011, статьи из разных номеров) Свободный доступ
Тэги: выпуск, журнал, тематический
Газета как источник веселья 2012-09-13 05:00:16
Допустим, вам очень хочется устроить необычный праздник. Чтобы запомнился, чтобы фотки получились ...
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Допустим, вам очень хочется устроить необычный праздник. Чтобы запомнился, чтобы фотки получились классные, чтобы потом было, что вспомнить. Только вот денег маловато… Вы грустно перебираете все возможные варианты и «предвкушаете» просто очередную посиделку с пивасом. Так. Отставить хандру. Подумаешь, денег нет! Есть же фантазия! И совершенно бесплатный материал для антуража и декора вечеринки. Это ГАЗЕТЫ! … Continue reading →
Тэги: антураж, вечеринка, свои, тематический
Создание тематического сайта или блога 2012-09-03 00:03:24
В этой статье мы поговорим о том, как создать веб-сайт и как заработать деньги на своих сайтах и ...
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В этой статье мы поговорим о том, как создать веб-сайт и как заработать деньги на своих сайтах и блогах. Начнем с того, что такое сайт или блог? Сайт представляет собой место в интернете, которое определяет адрес его владельца и состоит …Подробнее › %%%% BLOGLINK is a post from: СМОСТОЯТЕЛЬНОЕ СОЗДАНИЕ САИТА
Тэги: блога, сайт, создание, тематический
Тематические выпуски журналов в 2012 г. 2012-09-02 11:30:00
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Тематические выпуски журналов, вышедшие ...
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Тематические выпуски журналов, вышедшие в 2012 г.
Список будет дополняться
Career Adaptability (Journal of Vocational Behavior, 2012, 80 (3))
Biology of Leadership (The Leadership Quarterly, 2012, 23 (2))
Leadership and Individual Differences (The Leadership Quarterly, 2012, 23 (4))
Media and Families (Family Relations, 2012, 61 (3)) Свободный доступ
Multiple Goals in Learning Contexts (Applied Psychology: An International Review, 2012, 61 (4))
Coping with Economic Stress (Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2012, 33 (6))
The Changing Ecology of Teams: New Forms, New Work, New Leadership – Not Your Grandfather's Work Team (Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2012, 33 (3))
Social issues in organizations (Journal of Managerial Psychology, 2012, 27 (4))
Biopsychosocial moderators of the stress response twenty-five years later (Anxiety, Stress & Coping, 2012, 25 (4))
Sensemaking, organizing and storytelling (Human Relations, 2012, 65 (1))
Studying Change Dynamics Using Qualitative Methods (The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 2012, 48 (2))
Work as a Calling: Researchand Practice (Journal of Career Assessment, 2012, 20 (3))
Organizational Meetings (Small Group Research, 2012, 43 (2))
Critical Psychology Perspectives (Journal of Career Development, 2012, 39 (4))
Cybersex (Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, 2012, 19 (1/2))
Researching Gender, Inclusion and Diversity in Contemporary Professions and Professional Organizations (Gender, Work & Organization, 2012, 19 (5))
Gender & Change: The Next Step (Gender, Work & Organization, 2012, 19 (1)) Свободный доступ
Ethical Leadership (Journal of Personnel Psychology, 2012, 11 (1)) Свободный доступ
Occupational Science in Europe (Journal of Occupational Science, 2012, 19 (2))
Redefining Boundaries and Bridges in Occupation (Journal of Occupational Science, 2012, 19 (1))
Virtual Special Issue: John Turner’s work and its impact on social psychology (British Journal of Social Psychology, European Journal of Social Psychology) Свободный доступ
Virtual Issue: Sport Psychology (British Journal of Psychology, 2012) Свободный доступ
Mathematical and cognitive predictors of the development of mathematics (British Journal of Educational Psychology, 2012, 82 (1)) Свободный доступ
Narcissism (Journal of Clinical Psychology, 2012, 68 (8))
Qualitative Methodology, Theory, and Research in Family Studies (Journal of Family Theory & Review, 2012, 4 (2))
The Prison Experience (Journal of Criminal Justice, 2012, 40 (5))
European Personality Review 2012 (European Journal of Personality, 2012, 26 (4))
Personality and Information Processing (European Journal of Personality, 2012, 26 (2))
Human Nature and Pop Culture (Review of General Psychology, 2012, 16 (2))
New thinking: the evolution of human cognition (Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, B, 2012, 367 (1599))
The Genetics of Brain Imaging Phenotypes (Twin Research and Human Genetics, 2012, 15 (3)) Свободный доступ
Special Section on theory and data in categorization: Integrating computational,behavioral, and cognitive neuroscience approaches (Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 2012, 38 (4))
Social-Constructionist Approaches to Emotion (Emotion Review, 2012, 4 (3))
Understanding and promoting motivation in gifted students (Psychology in the Schools, 2012, 49 (7))
A Sport Psychology Perspective on Olympians and the Olympic Games (Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 2012, 13 (5))
Children and Health Psychology (Clinical Psychologist, 2012, 16 (1)) Свободный доступ
Psychological Testing and Assessment (Australian Psychologist, 2012, 47 (1)) Свободный доступ
World Suicide Prevention Day Virtual Issue (статьи из разных журналов издательства Willey) Свободный доступ
Evolution of race and sex differences in intelligence and personality: Tribute to Richard Lynn at eighty (Personality and Individual Differences, 2012, 53 (2))
Behavioral genetic contributions to research on individual differences (Personality and Individual Differences, 2012, 53 (4))
DSM-5 and autism spectrum disorders – two decades of perspectives (Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 2012, virtual issue) Свободный доступ
Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) (Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 2012, 19 (2))
Well-being, Positivity and Mental Health (Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 2012, 19 (4))
Teacher-Child Relationships from an Attachment Perspective (Attachment & Human Development, 2012, 14 (3))
Spatial neglect and attention (Neuropsychologia, 2012, 50 (6))
Neuropsychiatric disorders (Trends in Neurosciences, 2012, 35 (1))
Neuropsychiatric disorders (Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2012, 16 (1))
World Autism Awareness Day Virtual Issue (статьи из разных журналов издательства Willey) Свободный доступ
Cognitive modeling ‘versus’ cognitive neuroscience: Competing approaches or compatible levels of explanation? (Australian Journal of Psychology, 2012, 64 (1)) Свободный доступ
Social technologies (Theory and Psychology, 2012, 22 (2))
The social signal value of emotions (Cognition and Emotion, 26 (3))
Mental Time Travel: Social Psychological Perspectives on a Fundamental Human Capacity (European Journal of Social Psychology, 2012, 42 (3))
Cyberbullying: Development, consequences, risk and protective factors (European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 2012, 9 (2))
College Students with ADHD Revisited (Journal of Attention Disorders, 2012, 16 (3))
Errorless Learning and Rehabilitation of Language and Memory Impairments (Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 2012, 22 (2))
Implicit and explicit theory of mind (British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 2012, 30 (1)) Свободный доступ
Special section on the neural substrate of analogical reasoning and metaphor comprehension (Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 2012, 38 (2))
Loneliness Updated (The Journal of Psychology, 2012, 146 (1–2))
Where do we go from here in Political Psychology? (Political Psychology, 2012, 33 (1))
Beyond the Comparator Model (Consciousness and Cognition, 2012, 21 (1))
Social and Motivational Compensatory Mechanisms for Age-related Cognitive Decline (Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, 2012, 19 (1–2))
Empathy (Emotion Review, 2012, 4 (1))
Verbal aggression: understanding the psychological antecedents and social consequences (Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 2012, 31 (1))
Primary care today (Psychodynamic Practice Individuals, Groups and Organisations, 2012, 18 (1))
Evidence-based parent education programmes to promote positive parenting (European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 2012, 9 (1))
Addressing response to intervention implementation: Questions from the field (Psychology in The Schools, 2012, 49 (3))
The effects of early experience and stress on brain and behavioural development (International Journal of Behavioural Development, 2012, 36 (1))
The interplay between collective memory and the erosion of nation states – the paradigmatic case of Belgium (Memory Studies, 2012, 5 (1))
Virtual Special Issue on Theory and Research on Collective Action (European Journal of Social Psychology, 2012, статьи из разных номеров) Свободный доступ
Child Development in Developing Countries (Child Development, 2012, 83 (1)) Свободный доступ
Collaboration in Psychotherapy (Journal of Clinical Psychology, 2012, 68 (2)) Свободный доступ
Sizes of Our Science (Perspectives on Psychological Science, 2012, 7 (1))
Beliefs and Expectancies in Legal Decision Making (Psychology, Crime and Law, 2012, 18 (1))
Self Modeling (Psychology in the Schools, 2012, 49 (1)) Свободный доступ
Bilingual children with Specific Language Impairment – the nature of the problem (Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 2012, 15 (1))
Тэги: выпуск, журнал, тематический
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