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Тэг «экономически»

Главные темы

Some aspects of the custom union

   2012-05-21 19:34:12
In 1995 the leaders of Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus (and later Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan) ...
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Тэги: наука, экономический

Inflation in Russia

   2012-05-21 19:33:29
The problem of inflation takes an important place in economics because of its performance and socio- ...
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Тэги: наука, экономический

The problems of corruption

   2012-05-21 19:32:46
One shouldn't underestimate the possible potential professional community in the fight with all ...
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Тэги: наука, экономический

Features of knowledge economy in the current conditions

   2012-05-21 19:30:16
The object of research is the knowledge economy as the type of economy in which production and ...
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Тэги: наука, экономический

Formation of competitiveness of the person in the market economy

   2012-05-21 19:28:22
With changes in the economy, Russia's entry into the European and world educational space requires ...
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Тэги: наука, экономический

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