2012-05-29 09:39:36
Чувашский просветитель Иван Яковлевич Яковлев (1848-1930) и Василий Васильевич Радлов (1837-1918) – ...
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Чувашский просветитель Иван Яковлевич Яковлев (1848-1930) и Василий Васильевич Радлов (1837-1918) – русский востоковед-тюрколог, исследователь живых и мертвых тюркских языков.
2012-05-25 23:37:22
This work is devoted to some kinds of linguistics and cultural component in the course of studying ...
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This work is devoted to some kinds of linguistics and cultural component in the course of studying foreign languages. Language communication is closely connected with word connotations and word meanings. Word reflects subject or phenomenon of reality which corresponds to definite kind of social medium.
2012-05-25 23:37:22
This work is devoted to some kinds of linguistics and cultural component in the course of studying ...
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This work is devoted to some kinds of linguistics and cultural component in the course of studying foreign languages. Language communication is closely connected with word connotations and word meanings. Word reflects subject or phenomenon of reality which corresponds to definite kind of social medium.
2012-05-25 23:37:22
This work is devoted to some kinds of linguistics and cultural component in the course of studying ...
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This work is devoted to some kinds of linguistics and cultural component in the course of studying foreign languages. Language communication is closely connected with word connotations and word meanings. Word reflects subject or phenomenon of reality which corresponds to definite kind of social medium.
2012-05-25 23:37:22
This work is devoted to some kinds of linguistics and cultural component in the course of studying ...
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This work is devoted to some kinds of linguistics and cultural component in the course of studying foreign languages. Language communication is closely connected with word connotations and word meanings. Word reflects subject or phenomenon of reality which corresponds to definite kind of social medium.