Zdravstvui! Etot about razlichny colors!
One time Nikolay sidit v svoe dom and poest sup. Sup - Etot vkusny! Nikolay ulybatsya and syt.
- Kakoe Etot vkusny! - skazhet Nikolay. - Samy horoshy!
- Da, Takoe! Vkusny! - skazhet otvet Tamara. - But NET samy horoshy! Samy horoshy - Etot krasny sup!
- NET Takoe! - skazhet Nikolay. - Etot NET vozmozhny, because KRASNY - Etot NET priyatnoe color!
- Ya lubit krasnoe! - skazhet Tamara and poyti v magazin.
- STOP, Tamara! - zakrichit Nikolay. - Siny - Etot my favorit color!
- Etot NET vozmozhny Takoe - siny sup. Glupoe! - skazhet Tamara and uhodit away.
Nikolay dolgoe dumat and pozvonit v svoe druh Sergey Vladimirovich.
- Kakoe color samy horoshy? - sprosit Nikolay.
- Etot krasny! - skazhet Sergey Vladimirovich and povesit trubka.
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Описание Trapped forever in a odd space where the only thing to do is survive and collect jewels. An ...
Zdravstvui! Etot NET secret: vegetables - polezny! If Ty budet use Etot regularny - mnogoe zdorov! ...
Zdravstvui! Etot NET secret: vegetables - polezny! If Ty budet use Etot regularny - mnogoe zdorov! Etot Takoe? Chitaet v TUT!
Bylo zima. Svetlana (russki) sidit v svoe dom and est vkusny vegatable. - Etot Takoe polezny! - skazhet Takoe and poest bolshoe piece of vegetable. - If Ty poest Etot - budet mnogoe zdorov!
Mnogoe friends of Svetlana poyti v progulka.
- Svetlana, come with us! - skazhet friends. - V Tut mnogoe polezny svezhy oxygen! And krasivy!
- Ya imeet mnogoe vegetables! Etot much more polezny! - otvetit Svetlana and poest one more.
- Svetlana! Nado idti smotrit novy VHS! - skazhet Nikolay! - Mnogoe of tvoe friends delaet Takoe!
- Vegetables much horoshy! - skazhet Svetlana.
- Teper zima! - skazhet Sergey Nikolaev. - Etot VHS-time! Nado delaet samodelny VHS-machine with Ya! Ya imeet popularny scheme of Etot polezny device!
- VHS - sucks! - skazhet Svetlana and poluchaet v morda.
After odin year...
Hochet znat more? Chitaet novy book "All About polezny"!
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Zdravsvui! Etot about Nikolay and stary dog.
Bylo utrenny pogoda. Stary dog poest mnogoe ...
Zdravsvui! Etot about Nikolay and stary dog.
Bylo utrenny pogoda. Stary dog poest mnogoe korm and otdyhaet. Etot ochen mnogoe staroe davno dog! Tolsty and lazy.
And umny. Etot otdyhaet, but mnogoe gromky noise vnezapny! Etot pyany Nikolay. Etot gromkoe razgovarivat and delaet some drugoe noise. Ochen NET spokoiny! Stary dog mnogoe rugat Nikolay and pokusaet. And Nikolay poity v svoe dom spat.
V drugoe time Nikolay pyany and delaet gromky and bestolkovy noise again and stary dog pokusaet Nikolay again. - Pochemu Takoe? - dumat Nikolay. - Pochemu kusaet again? But NET otvet, because stary dog otdyhat.
V zavtra Nikolay nadevat novy kostum and trezvy and molchat, but stary dog pokusaet Nikolay again and Nikolay reshit that stary dog - tupoe and zlobny.

P.S. Etot interesny: pepelnitsa v vide karas!
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