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Тэг «affairs»

Главные темы

Attack of Notre-Dame: Farid I., a “neophyte” profile difficult to spot

   2017-06-11 03:00:17

Farid I., a 40-year-old Algerian who attacked a police officer in the courtyard of Notre-Dame de ...
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Тэги: affairs, company, current, france, hot, news

MoDem at the heart of alleged fictitious jobs

   2017-06-10 07:00:19

After the National Front, the MoDem finds itself in turn caught in the turmoil of European ...
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Тэги: affairs, company, current, france, hot, news

United Kingdom: the sanction of the polls for Theresa May

   2017-06-09 11:00:22

London-based Theresa May would not have won his bet to consolidate his majority in the British ...
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Тэги: affairs, foreign, hot, international, news

Former FBI official accuses Trump of “lies”

   2017-06-09 05:00:16

Corresponding to Washington Behind his cold and haughty appearance, James Comey possesses an ...
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Тэги: affairs, foreign, hot, international, news

High property prices: Young people rarely buy a home

   2017-06-07 17:00:19

High property prices Young people rarely buy a home Houses and apartments are getting more and ...
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Тэги: affairs, economy, estate, hot, news, real, social, state

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