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Тэг «affairs»

Главные темы

Britain: Legislative campaign picks up in the shadow of terrorism

   2017-05-26 07:00:21

Special envoy to Manchester After three days of truce, the battle of the legislative resumes this ...
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Тэги: affairs, foreign, hot, international, news

Manchester bombing: on top alert, British police search for a ‘network’

   2017-05-25 21:01:14

Special Envoy in Manchester Under exceptional circumstances, extraordinary measures. The change ...
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Тэги: affairs, foreign, hot, international, news

Manchester bombing: the poignant despair of the relatives of the victims

   2017-05-25 19:00:47

Special sent to Manchester The names fell one by one. Gradually Wednesday, the fatal list of ...
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Тэги: affairs, foreign, hot, international, news

Emmanuel Macron to receive Vladimir Putin at Versailles

   2017-05-23 05:00:45

A place full of history for a meeting at the summit. Emmanuel Macron will receive on Monday, May ...
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Тэги: affairs, foreign, hot, international, news

Impeachment: Can Donald Trump be dismissed?

   2017-05-20 09:00:18

The dismissal of an American president is a complex process, from both a legal and a political ...
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Тэги: affairs, foreign, hot, international, news

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