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3d model of Lovebird Rigged by 3d_molier 2015-01-05 20:05:00
... rigged plumage pets animal animals wings bird zoo ...
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The 3d model of Lovebird Rigged is a high quality model that will enhance detail and realism to your rendering projects. The model has a fully textured design that allows for close-up renders, and was originally modeled in 3ds Max 2012 and rendered with V-Ray.
Тэги: animal, bird, lovebird, parrot
Животные за неделю 2015-01-02 20:40:28
... : x-large"> Animal photos of the ...
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 art ma-zaika | Animal photos of the week: 2 January 2015 | Колли встряхивается после купания в Северном море в Hedehusum на острове Foehr, Германия. Maurizio Gambarini/DPA/AP |  Мать панды играет на качелях с ребенком в зоопарке Вены.  49-летняя старейшая лошадь в мире отдыхает в Брентвуде, графство Эссекс. Caters  Приматы завернулись одеяла во время морозной погоды в Уэльсе. WALES NEWS SERVICE  Снимок медведя гризли и ее триплетных детенышей - после четырех часов противостояния, чтобы завоевать ее доверие. Hank Perry/Solent News  В парке дикой природы Affenberg недалеко от Салем, Германия. Felix Kaestle/DPA/EPA  Посетитель кормит африканского льва внутри железной клетки в Leofoo Village тематическом парке в Синьчжу, Тайвань. David Chang/EPA  Орангутанг позирует на камеру во время обязательного ежегодного подсчета животных зоопарка Честера. Steve Rawlins/Chester Zoo/PA  Краснолицый макак играет в коробке в зоопарке Ханчжоу, Восточный Китай. AFP  Горилла держит ребенка в зоопарке Сан-Диего. K. C. Alfred/AP
Тэги: 2015, animal, january, photos, week, животные, животными, животных, картинки, неделю, растения, фото
Meditation Power Animal 2014-12-28 18:00:41
Meditation Power Animal Your signature brain ...
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Meditation Power Animal Your signature brain wave activity is distinctive for you. It has a unique rhythm and pattern which has created over time and by means of routine. Acoustic Brainwave Activation systems can help you build new patterns and increase frequencies that you might be missing or needing additional of. For instance for those who have difficulty focusing, have a look at Beta and Gamma centered applications. Or if you have difficulty soothing, explore theta, alpha or even delta programs Investigation from the human brain also as measurements of brain waves conclude that there are 4 simple active and passive circumstances from the brain, that are in immediate correlation using the physical reactions. 1. Beta-Waves (over 13Hz, at centre about 14-16 Hz and as much as thirty Hz) These waves decide brain activity throughout awake, tense and lively conditions. At the forefront are the consciousness, influenced by exterior stimuli, the processing of mental impressions and important considering. Within the constructive beta location, a situation of elevated concentration is current. Elevated frequencies past a particular limit trigger harmful circumstances, such as stress, fear as well as panic. Overly elevated beta-wave-shares cause a greater output of stress-hormones. 2. Alpha-Waves (8-13 Hz) […]
Тэги: animal, lifestyle_other, meditation, power
8 Unique Ancient Attractions You Didn’t Expect You Could Find in Armenia 2014-12-21 01:43:34
Armenia is a country full of hidden treasures. From man-made cave dwellings to weird cemeteries, ...
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Armenia is a country full of hidden treasures. From man-made cave dwellings to weird cemeteries, here’re 8 cool ancient places you’ll be surprised to hear about >>
Тэги: ancient, animal-shaped, aragatsotn, armenia, attractions, basalt, cable, cars, cave, cemeteries, columns, dwellings, garni, gorge, jewish, khndzoresk, monasteries, monastery, petroglyphs, places, province, rya, stonehenge, syunik, tatev, taza, temple, tombstones, unusual, weird, yezidi
3d model of Redtail Catfish by 3d_molier 2014-12-14 19:19:00
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This 3d model of Redtail Catfish is a high quality, photo real model that will enhance detail and realism to any of your rendering projects. The model has a fully textured, detailed design that allows for close-up renders, and was originally modeled in 3ds Max 2012 and rendered with V-Ray. Fidelity is optimal up to a 2k render.
Тэги: animal, catfish, creatures, fish, sea
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