Dance: Argentine Tango Danсers: Homer and Cristina Ladas Song: Adios Para Siempre, Osvaldo Fresedo
Homer and Cristina Ladas conduct a review session and perform a didactic demo at the end of an argentine tango class - Closed Embrace Turn with Enrosques
Dance: Argentine Tango Danсers: Homer and Cristina Ladas Song: Lo Pasao by Francisco Canaro
Homer and Cristina Ladas conduct a review session and perform a didactic demo at the end of an argentine tango class - Cross-Foot Concepts with Funky Rock-Steps
Dance: Argentine Tango Danсers: Homer and Cristina Ladas
Homer and Cristina Ladas conduct a review session and perform a didactic demo at the end of an argentine tango class - Rhythmic Traspie with Crossing Steps
Dance: Argentine Tango Danсers: Homer and Cristina Ladas
Homer and Cristina Ladas conduct a review session and perform a didactic demo at the end of an argentine tango class - Simple Social Ganchos in Line of Dance