Here we tell you how to process the honey. This is the important thing in keeping honey bees. First, ...
The most famous honey bee is Apis mellifera. Since immemorial times people use it to make honey. ...
Politics - Etot interesny for Ty? For drugoe Russki ...
Zdravstvui! Etot about politics!
Politics - Etot interesny for Ty? For drugoe Russki Chelovek? Nikolay ochen interesny politics. Nikolay smotrit Etot postoyanny on tv. V Etot vecherny Nikolay smotrit politics as usual and NET dovolny. Zoya (wife of Nikolay) NET dovolny too.
- Etot nadoelo! - skazhet Zoya vnezapnoe, - Let's smotrit VHS!
- Etot potom, - skazhet Nikolay, - politics teper.
- Politics everyday! Ty NET radostny and need VHS! - skazhet Zoya.
- OK! But only NET dolgoe, - otvetit Nikolay.
OR |
After odin hour Nikolay smotrit politics again.
Zdravstvui! NET secret for all: Mnogoe razlichny Chelovek - Mnogoe razlichny opinion. Kakoe pravilny ...
Zdravstvui! NET secret for all: Mnogoe razlichny Chelovek - Mnogoe razlichny opinion. Kakoe pravilny? Now malenky story about.

Ty lubit ovoschnoe kasha? Takoe? NET Takoe? Nikolay lubit Etot and mnogoe poest everyday, because Etot polezny and horoshy.
- Etot protivny! - skazhet Anastasia (Etot friend of Nikolay, but NET lubit Takoe: Nikolay poest mnogoe ovoschnoe kasha), - Kak Takoe vozmozhny? Ty look like idiot! Nado idti smotrit VHS!
- Etot ovoschnoe kasha - mnogoe otlichny and Polezny! VHS after kasha! - skazhet Nikolay and ulybaetsya.
- Sergey! - skazhet Anastasia, - Etot Nikolay imeet glupy vneshnost v poest protivny kasha?
- Ochen mnogoe! - skazhet Sergey and silno polozhit v ovoschnoe kasha football.
Mnogoe polezny kasha bystro zasorit all around. Nikolay, Anastasia, Sergey and football including.
- Teper Etot only Protivny! NET Polezny at all! - skazhet Nikolay, vnimatelnoe posmotrit around and poyti smotrit VHS with friends.

Zdravstvui! Etot about Control! Mnogoe Russki Chelovek znaet Takoe: Dr.Volz - Etot tvoe Druh! Delaet mnogoe Polezny and Razumny! But nekotory NET razuny schitaet: Dr.Volz - korystny and hitry Chelovek. Now malenky story about.
V leto rano utro Ya poyti lovit fish. V Volga. And poimat nekotory. Ochen radostny and ulybaetsya, because priyatny.
- Etot nashe fish! - slyshit Ya vnezapnoe gromkoe. Etot dva Russki Chelovek podhodit.
- NET Takoe! - skazhet Ya, - Etot narodny fish! V Volga mnogoe Etot!
- Etot Dr.Volz, Nikolay! - skazhet odin Chelovek, - Bogach&Zdorov, but NET lubit Russki Chelovek!
- Etot Takoe, Sergey! - otvetit Nikolay and serdity.
- Nado spokoiny! - skazhet Ya and spokoiny, - Nikolay and Sergey, Ya lubit Russki Chelovek and hochet Bogach&Zdorov-effect for all! Hochet znaet kak?
- Da Takoe! - otvetit Nikolay and Sergey and spokoiny.
Ya mnogoe nauchit Nikolay and Sergey and chitaet vsluh novy book "All about Polezny". Nikolay and Sergey mnogoe ponimaet.
- Dr.Volz - nashe horoshy Druh, Nikolay! - skazhet Sergey.
- Etot Takoe, Sergey!
Etot bylo opashy situation, but stalo horoshy, because Control!
For more information chitaet novy book "All about Polezny"!