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Тэг «business»

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   2017-06-27 12:01:13
... :27: 41 Business People - https://t ... /ultqWTB8cc #vector #psd #business https://t.co ...
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Тэги: #business, #psd, #vector, twitter

What is the “project CDI” that the government wants to expand?

   2017-06-24 19:00:34

The enabling bill, which will allow the government to reform the Labor Code by ordinances, was ...
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Тэги: business, economics, hot, news

Absenteeism: Turkey no longer a top goal among German managers

   2017-06-23 17:00:15

foreign assignment Turkey is no longer a top target among German managers For many years, Turkey ...
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Тэги: businesses, economy, hot, markets, news, turkey

Europe: Brexit threatens thousands of jobs in the German car industry

   2017-06-22 17:00:21

Europe Brexit threatens thousands of jobs in the German auto industry How hard does the Brexit ...
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Тэги: brexit, businesses, economy, hot, markets, news

Pressure of investors: Uber boss Travis Kalanick repulsed

   2017-06-21 17:00:22

Pressure from investors Uber-Chef Travis Kalanick reputedly resigned Travis Kalanick has ...
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Тэги: business, economy, hot, markets, news, uber

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