ENG: Surprising, but a fact: my clothes travel around the world more often than I do. To this gloomy ...
ENG: Surprising, but a fact: my clothes travel around the world more often than I do. To this gloomy conclusion I came while watching the long awaited parcel in Hong Kong first and then later on in London. I wish for that Hong Kong sky with the smell of chili at the corner or hot Tel-Aviv with the palms along the road and miniature vintage stalls. In the best of them, in a spike of high temperature, last autumn I found vintage placid-olive colored Chanel. What awaited the dress was a four hour-long road to the Russian wide to bide its time in the wardrobe until its appearance on one of the most summer terraces of Moscow. Of course, in the company of the wind and blue wine.RU: Удивительно, но факт: мои вещи путешествуют по миру гораздо чаще, чем я. К такому неутешительному выводу я пришла, наблюдая долгожданную посылку сначала в Гонконге, а чуть позже - в Лондоне. Мне бы то гонконгское небо с запахами чили на углу или жаркий Тель-Авив с пальмами вдоль дороги и миниатюрными винтажными...