Бесшабашный и отчаянный герой-одиночка вернулся, чтобы вновь потрясти прогнивший коррупционный режим ...
... jpg" title="What
Erectile Dysfunction" ... alt="What
Erectile Dysfunction" ...
It does not matter how old you are or whether or not you have suffered in the past, Erectile Dysfunction can occur at any stage of our lives and can be caused by many psychological or physical factors. Listed below are but a few of the common causes. | |
Psychological Factors:Many psychological factors are identified as causes of erectile dysfunction. The more obvious factors include:
- Stress in your work or personal life
- A lack of confidence in your sexual performance known as performance anxiety
- An overall lack of social confidence
- Diminished emotional intimacy
- Neurological problems
Physical Factors:
There are also many physical factors and lifestyle factors that may contribute to the condition such as:
- High cholesterol
- Diabetes
- High blood pressure
- Illness, injury or surgery
- General health & fitness
- Other lifestyle factors - Eg. Alcohol intake and smoking
It can be very difficult to find a definitive answer as to why you are experiencing symptoms however the treatment programs offered by this site are proven to be extremely effective in treating Erectile Dysfunction, whatever the cause. So read more us now and take the first steps in treating this sensitive issue
... >"Причина и следствие" (
Страсть к невесомости у испанской художницы
Аны Солер (Ana Soler) почти такой же, как у космонавтов. Иначе как объяснить то, что все ее инсталляции тем или иным образом связаны с левитацией? То она подвешивает в воздухе ножницы и ложки, то создает целые стаи бумажных журавликов, а недавно стала автором новой масштабной инсталляции, заставив застыть в воздухе больше
2 тысяч теннисных мячиков. Инсталляция получила название
"Причина и следствие" (Cause & Effect).
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