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Тэг «chalderon»

Главные темы

Умирающие за любовь

   2012-01-31 17:36:28

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Dying for LovE



Can you hear, the people sing their song

To tunes of glory, they move as one.

Refugees of liberation marching on,

Sing our song, rock the nation, write of wrongs.

When you take of life and steal it's shadow, all that's

Left is humanity.

It's getting closer, change is bound to come.

Theres someone out there, holding candles to the


Then an answer, says that peace will come around,

Stand in line, take our time and be proud.

Take a life and steal it's shadow, all that's left it's Humanity

Take a man and steal tomorrow, all that's left is you And me.

Here them call you, soldiers all in the fields of love,

Brothers, sisters, children, all dying for love.

Refugees of liberation, marching on,

Sing your song, rock the nation, write of wrongs.

Take a life and steal it's shadow, all that's left is Humanity.

Take a man and steal tomorrow, all that's left is You and me.

Hear them call you, soldiers all in the fields of love,

Brothers, sisters, children, all dying for love.

Hear them call you, dying for love, those who know

You, dying for love,

Brothers, sisters, dying for love, saints and sinners,

Dying for love,

Dying for love



Тэги: brother, children, cross, dying, life, love, purpose, sister, братья, видео,, дети, жизнь, запись, клип, любви, любовь, музыка, ролик, секс, сердце, сёстры, умирающий

Красивые дочки рокеров. Сайты из Иваново

   2012-01-31 15:22:35

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Тэги: computer], photo, [children], [internet, девушка, дети, иваново, интернет, компьютер, продвижение, рок-музыка, сайт, фото, фотография


   2012-01-30 14:41:51

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Тэги: [children], [video], видео, дети, смешной, спайдермен

Найти ровню

   2012-01-29 11:38:08
Человек ко всему привыкает, не правда ли? Привыкают даже к больницам и тюрьмам. Для некоторых людей ...
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Тэги: children, family, life, meal, thought, мысль

На Земле безжалостно маленькой

   2012-01-28 01:30:43

На Земле безжалостно маленькой/1327699543_Na_Zemle_bezzhalostno_malen_koy ( ... 
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Тэги: verse, [children], [video], видео, дети, роберт, рождественский, стих

Страницы: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ... 


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