NIKON COOLPIX AW100. Видео презентация
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Zdravstvui! Etot about Hleb.
Nikolay - Etot lubit mnogoe Hleb.
- Hleb - Etot samoe vkusny! - skazhet Nikolay and poest bolshoe piece of Hleb. - Etot mnogoe polezny too!
- NET Takoe, Nikolay! - zakrichit Sergey. - Hleb - Etot vkusny, but for polezny nado use Etot with mnogoe butter! - skazhet Takoe and zabirat Nikolay's Hleb.
- Butter - Etot sucks! - skazhet Nikolay and NET otdavat svoe Hleb.
- NET Takoe!
- Etot!!!
And mnogoe rugaet each other and somebody poluchaet v morda.
Mnogoe time Etot and Etot NET friends and NET govorit.
- Pochemu Sergey Takoe idiot, Dr.Volz? - sprosit Nikolay.
- Hleb without butter - Etot sucks, Dr.Volz? Takoe? - sprosit Segey.
- NET nado mnogoe rugaet, - skazhet Ya. - Use Dekorativny Hleb for vzrosly Chelovek, my friends!
And stalo horoshy!
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