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Развитием демократии в России от США занимается дочь бандеровца 2015-05-13 02:15:22
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Реализацией американской политики мягкой силы — «развития демократии в России» занимается дочь украинца-бандеровца Надя Дюк. Как стало известно корреспондентам газеты «Известия», по этому направлению Дюк работает с 1987 года, к настоящему моменту она занимает пост вице-президента распределяюще...
Тэги: (nasdaq:goog), (nasdaq:msft), (nyse:cvx), (nyse:gs), (nyse:ko), chevron, coca, cola, democracy, endowment, freedom, goldman, google, house, microsoft, national, ned, sachs, usaid, адриан, америка, африка, вашингтон, великобритания, генри, госдеп, добрянски, дюк, евразия, европа, зеллик, каратницкий, карлуччи, киссинджер, кондолиза, коэн, ларри, латинская, надя, нко, новости, офицеров, петро, пола, райс, роберт, россия, союз, сша, украины, упа, фрэнк, центральная
Yellow Claw - Till It Hurts ft. Ayden 2015-05-01 16:15:40
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Тэги: claw,, yellow, перевод, песен
A Fresh Spring Arrival for the perfect petite fit: Colibris is in the shop! 2015-04-30 03:39:00
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Welcome to a small faces' paradise! We have a new collection in stock now that will be a breath of fresh air for those of you who face that challenge of finding the ideal petite fit- and we know that's a lot of you out there!
Lots of matte & ti-layered colors highlight this contemporary line & make for great everyday style.
Colibris- translated as 'hummingbirds' in a few European languages- is a fine family-owned collection from Germany, which specializes in cool unisex shapes in smaller eye sizes. We picked up a generous quantity of this collection at the spring Vision East Expo, but expect these frames to fly out the window pretty quickly... Come in soon to grab the best this collection offers!
Тэги: best, buy, colibris, cool, designs, every, evil, eyeglasses, eyes, eyewear, face, faces, fight, finish, fremont, glasses, great, matte, petite, place, seattle, small
Steelrage – All In (2015) 2015-04-24 21:45:47
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Artist: Steelrage Album: All In Genre: Power Metal Country: Chile Quality: 320 kbps Tracklist: 1. Eternal Sorrow 2. Long Way To Hell 3. No More Excuses (Feat. Laura Vargas) 4. My Dark Passenger 5. All In 6. Loser 7. Sacrifice 8. Wake Up (Feat. Renzo Palomino) 9. Lost In Time 10. Jugando El Destino 11. [...]
Тэги: chile, metal, power, steelrage
Customers around the Shop: Michael H 2015-04-22 21:50:00
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Michael just sharpened up his image with this new handmade frame model from Italy! The translucent green tone lightens up this hearty, retro-inspired design and creates a refreshing, contemporary edge to this masculine style. Both an attention-commanding & cool look for him!
Тэги: best, buy, cool, every, evil, eyeglasses, eyes, eyewear, face, fight, fremont, glasses, great, green, handmade, italian, men, modern, place, seattle
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