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Тэг «coli»

Главные темы

Дмитрий Дырмовский – новый директор ЦРТ

   2014-04-06 14:08:10

он сменил основателя компании Михаила Хитрова

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Тэги: call-центр, ivr, saas, speechblog, tts, автоматизация, голосовые, колл, контакт-центр, новости, облачные, речевых, рынок, сервисы, технологии, технологий, центр

Customers around the Shop: Nick S.

   2014-04-05 04:23:00
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Тэги: best, buy, cool, evil, eyeglasses, eyes, eyewear, fashion, fight, fremont, funky, glasses, place, seattle

Контролируем переполнение ячейки таблицы с помощью max-width

   2014-04-02 04:58:47

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Тэги: css, css2.1, max-width, table-cell, веб-разработка, хак

And the countdown begins... this weekend's VISION EXPO EAST 2014 shopping trip is good news for you

   2014-03-31 22:15:00
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The starting line...

This is our favorite time of the year-  we are ready to Spring Forward with a new crop of Eyewear collections! Take a peep at our snaps from this weekend's  VISION EXPO EAST where Stan, Nate, and Bill were busy finding the best fresh new frame styles for the shop! It will be worth your while to stay tuned... many exciting new frames will arrive soon and we know there are many shining faces out there made for each one!

One of the new european vendors we discovered in NY this year *excitement*

Our favorite Dutch designer and friend, Roger... always keeping the excitement at bay... ;)

so much new eye candy to take in over the span of 3 days!

Stan & the loveliest Carolyn Abram- an extraordinary designer you all love already!

Тэги: 2014, abram, best, buy, carolyn, cool, design, designers, east, evil, expo, eye, eyes, eyewear, fight, fremont, glasses, great, independent, place, roger, seattle, trends, vision

Eyes on Fremont Collection's Frame of the Week: Meet the "RKCNDY in Blackish"

   2014-03-28 23:24:00

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Тэги: best, buy, cat-eye, collection, cool, evil, eyes, eyewear, fight, fremont, glasses, great, grunge, petite, place, rkcndy, sassy, scene, seattle

Страницы: ... 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 ... 


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