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Тэг «constitutional»

Главные темы

Democratization of large-scale demonstrations … return to Hong Kong for 20 years

   2017-07-01 23:00:18

Large scale demo by democraticist who returned in Hong Kong in 20 years (in the afternoon of the ...
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Тэги: constitution, fortune, hot, news

South Korea presidential election, voting started … at dawn, many people find out

   2017-05-09 15:00:44

Voters who vote from the early morning as Korean presidential election vote date (at Seoul, Korea ...
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Тэги: constitutional, correction, gublin, hot, kenho, miyazaki, news, park

The US Department of Justice lodges a complaint

   2017-02-05 13:00:13

【Los Angeles: Tahara Tokutani】 US District Court in Washington State Seattle was dissatisfied ...
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Тэги: constitution, department, hot, justice, news, tahara, tokutani

Immigration, chaos in airports throughout the United States and the world … Protest demonstrations

   2017-01-29 23:00:16

People protesting Presidential Decree orders strict immigration review at John F. Kennedy ...
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Тэги: constitution, honma, hot, keiichi, news, ryo, yoshiike

The presidential decree was continuous, to the Convention to achieve the fierce run

   2017-01-26 13:00:14

WASHINGTON – Yoneya Ozeki US President Trump has used a privilege from the executive branch ...
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Тэги: 100-day, agreement, constitution, economic, hot, news, partnership, plan

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