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Тэг «coronet»

Главные темы

The director of the prison administration throws in the towel

   2017-04-03 09:00:15

The director of the prison administration, Philippe Galli, resigned on Friday, Justice Minister ...
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Тэги: affairs, company, current, france, hot, news

Guyana: the State hires a billion, the collective discusses

   2017-04-03 07:00:17

Marathon negotiations resumed in Cayenne. A delegation of dozens of people, less supplied than ...
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Тэги: affairs, company, current, france, hot, news

On the same journey, the French motorist commits nine offenses

   2017-03-30 19:00:17

The French driver is a dangerous “cumulador”. On a daily basis and on the same ...
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Тэги: affairs, company, current, france, hot, news

Abduction alert: a fugitive prisoner kidnaps his son in Clermont-Ferrand

   2017-03-30 17:00:16

The alert kidnapping plan was triggered to find a five-and-a-half-year-old boy abducted by his ...
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Тэги: affairs, company, current, france, hot, news

Penelope Fillon expected by judges

   2017-03-28 19:00:17

The cameramen waited for her all day Monday at the edge of the financial pole thinking that as ...
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Тэги: affairs, company, current, france, hot, news

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