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Unanimously adopted sanctions resolution against North Korea … the Council 2017-08-06 07:00:15
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[New York: Hashimoto Junya] The United Nations Security Council strongly condemned North Korea, which forced the launch of intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) twice in July on the afternoon of 5th (morning Japan time) Unanimously adopted a sanctioning resolution prohibiting the export of coal and iron ore, etc., which are foreign currency acquisition sources, without exception […]
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Тэги: council, hashimoto, hot, icbm, national, news, run, security
“National is going down, sorry” … statement in North Korea missile 2017-03-08 15:00:20
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[New York: Tetsuya Mizuno] The United Nations Security Council reported on the ballistic missile launched by North Korea on June 6, “It is a serious violation of international obligations under the Security Council resolution of the past” We announced a statement for the institution. In the case of A […]
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Тэги: council, hot, management, national, news, security, tetsuya, watanabe
South Sudan sanctions, the Security Council was vetoed … Japan abstained 2016-12-24 11:00:14
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【New York: Tetsuya Mizuno】 On January 23, the United Nations Security Council voted a resolution to impose sanctions such as arms embargoing and asset freezing in South Sudan where the conflict continues, but it was rejected because there was no agreement necessary for adoption . In the case of […]
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Тэги: council, hot, mizuno, national, news, security, tetsuya
Профессиональный ортопедический набор Correct Pro. Лечение косточки на ноге. Результат всего за 1 месяц 2016-12-22 14:30:33
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Trump: ‘We should just cancel the election’ and declare me the winner 2016-10-28 19:00:25
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JUST WATCHEDTrump: Cancel the election and declare me the winnerReplayMore Videos …MUST WATCH (16 Videos) Trump: Cancel the election and declare me the winner Trump: I’d love to fight ‘tough guy’ Biden Biden clarifies taking Trump behind the gym comment Donald Trump: Hillary Clinton is the worst Trump on whether election will be rigged: ‘Ask […]
The post Trump: ‘We should just cancel the election’ and declare me the winner appeared first on Pop News.
Тэги: 'we, cancel, declare, election', hot, just, news, politics, should, trump:, winner
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