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Дмитрий Дырмовский – новый директор ЦРТ 2014-04-06 14:08:10
он сменил основателя компании Михаила Хитрова + развернуть текст сохранённая копия
он сменил основателя компании Михаила Хитрова  На этой неделе (2 апреля) прошло сообщение о назначении нового Генерального директора ЦРТ. Им стал Дмитрий Дырмовский, семь лет руководивший Московским филиалом компании. Основатель компании – Михаил Хитров перешел на должность Председателя совета директоров. Весьма важное сообщение. [...]
Тэги: call-центр, ivr, saas, speechblog, tts, автоматизация, голосовые, колл, контакт-центр, новости, облачные, речевых, рынок, сервисы, технологии, технологий, центр
Customers around the Shop: Nick S. 2014-04-05 04:23:00
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Nick seizes the moment with this cool style that is definitely funky fresh, but still smart & distinguished. Nick nailed this one!
Тэги: best, buy, cool, evil, eyeglasses, eyes, eyewear, fashion, fight, fremont, funky, glasses, place, seattle
Контролируем переполнение ячейки таблицы с помощью max-width 2014-04-02 04:58:47
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Допустим, мы хотим сделать двухколоночную раскладку с помощью свойства table-cell. Левая колонка будет занимать всю доступную ширину, правая же может иметь два варианта в нашем случае:
- мы зададим этой колонке фиксированную ширину;
- она будет равняться минимальной ширине контента → minimum content width (MCW).
Едем дальше
Тэги: css, css2.1, max-width, table-cell, веб-разработка, хак
And the countdown begins... this weekend's VISION EXPO EAST 2014 shopping trip is good news for you 2014-03-31 22:15:00
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 | The starting line... |
This is our favorite time of the year- we are ready to Spring Forward with a new crop of Eyewear collections! Take a peep at our snaps from this weekend's VISION EXPO EAST where Stan, Nate, and Bill were busy finding the best fresh new frame styles for the shop! It will be worth your while to stay tuned... many exciting new frames will arrive soon and we know there are many shining faces out there made for each one!
 | One of the new european vendors we discovered in NY this year *excitement* |
 | Our favorite Dutch designer and friend, Roger... always keeping the excitement at bay... ;) |
 | so much new eye candy to take in over the span of 3 days! |
 | Stan & the loveliest Carolyn Abram- an extraordinary designer you all love already! |
Тэги: 2014, abram, best, buy, carolyn, cool, design, designers, east, evil, expo, eye, eyes, eyewear, fight, fremont, glasses, great, independent, place, roger, seattle, trends, vision
Eyes on Fremont Collection's Frame of the Week: Meet the "RKCNDY in Blackish" 2014-03-28 23:24:00
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This week's EOF frame pays homage to one of the Seattle institutions to help birth the grunge scene:
RKCNDY in Blackish
This petite, sorta squarish, sorta cat-eyeish shape dares to be a touch of both for those looking for a little edge while maintaining a femme façade- a truly badass shape! What else can we say about the deep matte grey & frosted white color? It would be SO SEATTLE to declare this color scheme "the new black"....
 | RKCNDY was located on the corner of Yale ave. where a Springhill Suites now lives. photo courtesy of Seattle times |
The RKCNDY was a hole in the wall, all ages club venue at the foot of Capitol Hill & Downtown Seattle, on Yale ave. during the 90's. It is legendary for helping cultivate the "grunge scene", which made many local big hitters such as Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Soundgarden,and Hole (plus countless other alt rock bands) icons of the music world.
RKCNDY was a refuge of sorts from the soggy grey mentality of that time- lively crowds engaged in many crowd surfing & mosh pit ventures to get their passive-aggressive angst out of the way. No doubt, when the doors closed on October 30, 1999 it was a sad day- in a way, the Seattle music scene hasn't been the same since.
 | Pearl Jam show: January 3, 1992 Photo borrowed from one of many unofficial Pearl Jam history pages: http://pearljamhistory.no.sapo.pt |
 | Visit The Stranger's List of "Every RKCNDY Show Ever" to further feed that nostalgic fix you're probably having right now. Photo courtesy of www.kiswhalloffame.com |
Тэги: best, buy, cat-eye, collection, cool, evil, eyes, eyewear, fight, fremont, glasses, great, grunge, petite, place, rkcndy, sassy, scene, seattle
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