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Тэг «customization»

Главные темы

Transform Your Site with a Custom Background

   2013-02-12 20:14:28
... websites displaying custom colors and custom fonts, which ... carefully, a custom background can reveal ...
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Тэги: background, custom, customization, howto

Restaurants Whet Your Appetite on WordPress.com

   2013-01-30 20:00:35
... .com to entice customers with websites as ...
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Тэги: customization, restaurant, theme, vertical

Customizing Oxygen: BeatRoute Magazine

   2013-01-28 20:00:16
Earlier this month, during Responsive Theme week, Cheri highlighted BeatRoute, a Canadian alt- ...
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Тэги: customization, howto, magazine, theme

Personalize Your Site with Custom Fonts

   2013-01-22 21:10:14
... home with Custom Fonts, which ... of the Custom Design upgrade. ... four blogs using Custom Fonts. Then ...
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Тэги: better, blogging, community, custom, customization, customize, design, font, upgrade

Infuse your CSS with Sass and LESS

   2012-12-21 20:00:21
... your website a custom look, but it ...
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Тэги: css, custom, customization, feature, jetpack, less, new, preprocessor, sass, wordpress.com

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