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Главная / Главные темы / Тэг «customizer»

One Theme, Three Ways: Customizing Coraline 2013-08-19 20:00:53
There are more than 200 themes to choose from in the Theme Showcase: themes with sleek magazine- ...
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There are more than 200 themes to choose from in the Theme Showcase: themes with sleek magazine-style front pages (like Oxygen and Watson), static business and profile sites (like Forefront and Profile), and portfolio designs (like Gridspace). Within this mix are free themes that act as blank canvases for your …
Тэги: coraline, customization, design, finch, graphic, little, pea, theme, wolf, wordpress.com
[Из песочницы] Изменение внешнего вида виджета «Лента пользователя» 2013-08-06 22:03:47
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Twitter timeline widget — инструмент, с помощью которого можно встроить ленту твиттера на свой сайт. К сожалению, стандартный набор настроек позволяет изменять ограниченное количество параметров отображения и не дает возможности применения произвольных css-стилей к элементам виджета. В данной статье рассказывается, как обойти данное ограничение и стилизовать ленту так, чтобы она вписалась в ваш дизайн.
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Тэги: customize, timeline, twitter, widget, веб-дизайн, веб-разработка
One Theme, Three Ways: Customizing iTheme2 2013-07-30 20:00:59
iTheme2 was originally conceived as a tech blog theme, paying homage to the sleek design of Apple ...
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iTheme2 was originally conceived as a tech blog theme, paying homage to the sleek design of Apple websites. The three blogs we showcase here are proof of its remarkable versatility: not one of them covers technology. Whether it’s the natural splendors on view on Yosemite Park Blog, the romance-heavy book reviews on Have …
Тэги: customization, customize, design, howto, itheme2, theme
Get the Most Out of Widgets: Building and Showcasing Your Community 2013-07-23 01:21:22
Last month, we highlighted some widgets and hope you’ve since activated them! Today, let’ ...
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Last month, we highlighted some widgets and hope you’ve since activated them! Today, let’s continue our widgets tour and focus on several that put the spotlight on the readership you’ve built. Your site isn’t just about you or your organization — it’s very much enriched by the community around you. Turn visitors …
Тэги: blog, comment, community, customization, feature, follow, page, post, recent, top, widget, wordpress.com
Customizing Imbalance 2: The Patterned Plate 2013-07-09 20:00:24
... options like a custom header, featured images ...
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Imbalance 2 is a clean, modern, grid-based theme great for blogs, portfolios, and magazine-style sites — and one that easily transforms into a cheerful, mouthwatering food blog. Carrie of The Patterned Plate combined free theme options like a custom header, featured images, and footer widgets with font, color, and CSS upgrades to build a cook’s paradise that […]
Тэги: css, customization, customize, design, howto, theme
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