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Тэг «customs»

Главные темы

WordPress.com Business Now Supports Plugins and Third-Party Themes

   2017-08-07 17:01:29
... media tools, ecommerce, custom themes, and more ...
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Тэги: business, community, customization, plugins, themes, wordpress, wordpress.com

Introducing Content Options: An Easy New Way to Make Visual Changes to Your Site

   2016-08-30 19:00:21
Content Options takes care of small visual changes like showing or hiding the author, date, and more ...
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Тэги: content, customization, options

Level Up with Blogging U.

   2016-08-23 19:00:59
Building a business website? Starting a blog? Working on your writing? Practicing photography? There ...
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Тэги: better, blogging, business, community, customization, education, email, photography, sites, wordpress.com, writing

Three Ways to Showcase Instagram Photos on Your Website

   2016-08-11 19:00:48
Discover how WordPress.com can help you share your beautiful snaps -- complete with video tutorials ...
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Тэги: customization, embeds, features, howto, instagram, photos, social, technical, widgets

Customize Your Site’s Footer Credit

   2016-07-06 19:15:18
Starting today, you have greater control over the message at the bottom of your site's pages. + развернуть текст   сохранённая копия

Тэги: credit, customization, customizer, features, footer, theme, themes, wordpress.com

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