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Home Improvement Ideas To Live Better 2013-04-25 08:56:31
A home really affects your daily moods. Most of your time is spent either at work or at home. By ...
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A home really affects your daily moods. Most of your time is spent either at work or at home. By investing your time and effort into improving your home and making it reflect your personality, you will find that your satisfaction and enjoyment in life will greatly increase. Read on for some proven advice for [...]
Тэги: add, afraid, afraid|, can, existing, expanding, expanse, extra, have, hesitate, make, need, needed, project, room, rule, should, space, storage, that, undertake, use, when, your, |do, |you, новость
Enhanced Living Via Home Improvement 2013-04-25 01:35:36
It is a well known fact that everything about your home has the potential to alter your emotions ...
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It is a well known fact that everything about your home has the potential to alter your emotions every day. Most of your time is spent either at work or at home. You will be happier once you make your home a place where you can express your feelings with decoration. Read on for some [...]
Тэги: add, afraid, can, existing, expanding, expanse, extra, have, hesitate, make, need, needed, out, project, room, rule|, space, storage, that, use, when, your, |do, новость
Do-It-Yourself Projects That Are Good For You 2013-04-24 21:56:56
Your home has a huge impact on how you feel, every single day of your life. We all spend most of our ...
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Your home has a huge impact on how you feel, every single day of your life. We all spend most of our time at home or at work, and if you work out of your home, the impact that it has on you is enormous. If you are happy and relaxed in your home, it [...]
Тэги: add, afraid, afraid|, can, existing, expanding, expanse, extra, have, hesitate, make, need, needed, out, project, room, rule|, should, space, storage, that, undertake, use, when, your, |do, |you, новость
Łóżka i materace kreowane na miarę- czyli najnowocześniejszy trend w branży sypialnianej 2013-03-30 07:36:32
Nowy trend w meblowaniu sypialni – łóżko „skrojone” na miarę potrzeb. Gdy wstukamy w pasek przeglą ...
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Nowy trend w meblowaniu sypialni – łóżko „skrojone” na miarę potrzeb. Gdy wstukamy w pasek przeglądarki webowej frazę: wezgłowie, w błyskawicznym trybie upewnimy się, jak ogromny jest to rynek i jak duża liczba działa tutaj firm. Wszystkie firmy mają ten sam cel – namówić potencjalnego nabywcę do kupna swoich modeli. Mamy tutaj styczność z najprawdziwszą [...]
Тэги: miare|malze'nskie|do, sypialni|sypialniane}, zdrowie, {l'ozka|loza}, {materac|materace}, {na, {wygodne|luksusowe}, новость
Принт: «Жизнь слишком коротка, чтобы тратить её на неподходящую работу»: рекламная кампания «jobsintown.de» 2013-03-18 18:38:00
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По заказу немецкого агентства по трудоустройству «jobsintown.de» была изготовлена серия плакатов, мотивирующая людей сменить профессию, если она их не устраивает. Создатели этой остроумной и провокационной рекламы провели параллель между рутинной работой и функционированием торгового автомата и сопроводили её лаконичным лозунгом: «Жизнь слишком коротка, чтобы тратить её на неподходящую работу» («Life’s too short to be in the wrong job»).
URL записи
Тэги: friend, jobsintown.de, scholz, германий, реклама, трудоустройство
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