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[Из песочницы] Построение модульной архитектуры приложения на Forwarding-декораторах (авторский перевод) 2017-05-18 12:09:44
... способ “Forwarding Decorator”. Нам он ... Architecture with Forwarding Decorators", опубликованной ...
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Планируя архитектуру своего будущего веб-приложения, разработчику полезно подумать о его расширяемости заранее. Модульная архитектура приложения может обеспечить хорошую степень расширяемости. Существует довольно много способов, как такую архитектуру реализовать, но все они сходны в своих фундаментальных принципах: разделение понятий, самодостаточность, взаимная сочетаемость всех компонентов.
Однако есть один подход, который именно в PHP можно встретить довольно редко. Он включает использование нативного наследования и позволяет патчить код «более лучше»(с). Мы называем этот способ “Forwarding Decorator”. Нам он представляется достаточно эффективным, и, кстати, эффектным тоже, хотя последнее не так важно в продакшене.
Как автор оригинальной англоязычной статьи "Achieving Modular Architecture with Forwarding Decorators", опубликованной на SitePoint, я представляю вам авторскую версию перевода. Читать дальше →
Тэги: decorator, php, адаптация, анализ, архитектура, магия, перевод, приложений, программирование, проектирование, систем, уличная
Decorations For Kitchen Counters 2017-03-08 00:20:07
... terrific graphic for Decorations For Kitchen Counters ... home then the Decorations For Kitchen ...
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Decorations For Kitchen Counters | Many thanks for stopping by here. Listed below is a terrific graphic for Decorations For Kitchen Counters. We have been searching for this picture throughout on-line and it originate from trustworthy resource. If you’re looking for any unique fresh option for your own home then the Decorations For Kitchen Countersphoto should […]
The post Decorations For Kitchen Counters appeared first on Kitchen Unit.
Тэги: backsplashes, bar, cheap, counters, countertops, decorations, decorative, ideas, items, kitchen, new, organizing, storage, unit
Cookie Decorating and Cocktails: Themed Parties For the Holiday Season 2016-06-29 17:17:29
... traditions is cookie decorating before Christmas time ... full-blown cookie decorating party to include ...
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The holidays are upon us, and one of the most timeless, beloved traditions is cookie decorating before Christmas time. Instead of setting aside an afternoon to bake batch after batch of Christmas cookies, why not plan a full-blown cookie decorating party to include friends and family? How a Cookie Decorating Party Works A cookie decorating […]
Тэги: cocktails:, cookie, decorating, holiday, natural, parties, themed
Cookie Decorating and Cocktails: Themed Parties For the Holiday Season 2016-06-29 17:17:29
... traditions is cookie decorating before Christmas time ... full-blown cookie decorating party to include ...
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The holidays are upon us, and one of the most timeless, beloved traditions is cookie decorating before Christmas time. Instead of setting aside an afternoon to bake batch after batch of Christmas cookies, why not plan a full-blown cookie decorating party to include friends and family? How a Cookie Decorating Party Works A cookie decorating […]
Тэги: cocktails:, cookie, decorating, holiday, natural, parties, themed
How to Promote a Cake Decorating Business 2016-06-28 05:16:26
... as a cake decorating business have to ... delicious and beautifully decorated cakes are available ...
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Promotion is an important aspect of a business. Even those who are working on small home businesses such as a cake decorating business have to think of the best ways who to promote it to others. Customers have to be aware that delicious and beautifully decorated cakes are available for them to order and to […]
Тэги: business, cake, decorating, natural, promote
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