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Customers around the Shop: Heather M. 2015-11-24 00:25:00
... : x-large;">awesome designs arriving at ...
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Heather recently picked up her new set of Cat-Eye glasses, her little clan in tow! We think this fabulous black-and-marbled white pair surely gives her the coolest-looking mom award... :)
Heather had the opportunity to pick out one of the newer Italian-made glasses styles we just received this fall. A lot of these special hand-picked models go fast-- and right now it's a great time to stop by for your new pair as we have so many awesome designs arriving at the shop this time of year!
Тэги: best, cat-eyeglasses, collections, designers, every, evil, eyes, eyewear, face, fall, fight, fremont, glasses, great, independent, local, place, seattle, shop, support, unique
Customers around the Shop: Cheryl B 2015-11-03 21:37:00
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A crystal clear frame can go a little or a long way style-wise, depending on the eyewear shape. Cheryl's revamped retro look from Andy Wolf expresses personality & edge in a subtle way, so her pretty eyes and smile are still the focal point! At the same time, this frame doesn't stray from presenting an intriguing fashion aesthetic.
Тэги: andy, best, bold, buy, chic, crystal, designers, every, evil, eyeglass, eyes, eyewear, face, fight, frames, fremont, glasses, great, independent, place, retro, seattle, style, support, wolf
Customers around the Shop: Lisa W. 2015-10-23 21:40:00
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The sassy cat-eye glasses look does Lisa REALLY WELL... this edgy shape w/a dual-tone front from Spectacle Eyeworks does the trick for a stunning fall look. This style looks amazing with her sharp bob hair cut!
Тэги: best, buy, cat-eye, coolest, designers, every, eyeglass, eyes, eyewear, eyeworks, face, fashion, fremont, glasses, great, independent, place, seattle, spectacle, support
Webix 3.0 — новый, лиловый 2015-09-30 17:27:45
... > и Visual Designer. Давайте разберемся ...
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Судя по всему, разработчики этого фреймворка крайне чувствительно относятся к смене сезонов. Раньше я уже писал о новых версиях Webix. И выходили они либо в начале весны, либо в начале лета. На этот раз, судя по всему, в рамках борьбы с осенней депрессией разработчики выкатили мажорный релиз. В новом Webix 3.0, помимо уже привычных нам новых фич и багфиксов, появились два новшества, которыe вполне себе можно считать отдельными продуктами: Webix Jet и Visual Designer. Давайте разберемся, что это такое, зачем это нужно и как это выглядит.
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Тэги: designer, framework, html, javascript, update, webix, веб-разработка
Customers Around the Shop: Ann B. 2015-08-24 20:52:00
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Ann picked up her new transitions pair just in time for the next surge of sunny, bright weather! This interesting black, red, & bronze frame model is one of the newest from the ROGER collection- an innovative metal & plastic combo!
Тэги: best, buy, combo, cool, design, designs, every, evil, eye, eyeglasses, eyes, face, fight, fremont, glasses, great, lenses, place, roger, seattle, transition
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