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Набор теней Kylie Jenner Kyshadow — девять оттенков теплой желто-коричневой гаммы, подобранные самой Кайли 2016-12-10 12:28:37
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Syrian rebels ‘start Aleppo offensive’ 2016-10-28 21:00:34
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Syrian rebels have announced a big offensive aimed at breaking the government siege of rebel-held east Aleppo. A UK-based monitoring group said rebels had fired “hundreds” of missiles into western Aleppo, killing at least 15 civilians. They are also reported to have targeted al-Nayrab military airport to the east. About 275,000 people have been besieged […]
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Тэги: east, hot, middle, news
Mosul offensive: Turkish and Kurdish forces launch attacks on IS 2016-10-24 05:00:25
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Media captionFootage captures explosions near the Iraqi town of Bashiqa, where Kurdish forces have launched fresh attacks Kurdish forces have carried out new attacks on positions of so-called Islamic State (IS) in northern Iraq to retake the town of Bashiqa, near Mosul. Kurdish Peshmerga commanders said they made large advances into IS territory and secured […]
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Тэги: east, hot, middle, news
Mosul offensive: Kurdish forces launch attacks on IS in Bashiqa 2016-10-24 03:00:17
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Media captionFootage captures explosions near the Iraqi town of Bashiqa, where Kurdish forces have launched fresh attacks Kurdish forces have carried out new attacks on positions of so-called Islamic State north-east of Mosul to retake the the town of Bashiqa. Kurdish Peshmerga commanders said they made large advances into IS territory and secured part of […]
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Тэги: east, hot, middle, news
Mosul battle: Hundreds treated over toxic fumes in Iraq 2016-10-23 03:00:15
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Image copyright Reuters Image caption The US says Islamic State fighters deliberately set the sulphur plant on fire Hundreds of people in Iraq are being treated for the effects of toxic gases after a sulphur plant was set alight in fighting with so-called Islamic State. The US military says IS fighters set the plant on […]
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Тэги: east, hot, middle, news
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