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Тэг «economy»

Главные темы

Suspicion of insider trading: Supervisory Board supports Deutsche Börse CEO Kengeter

   2017-05-17 21:00:24

Suspicion of insider trading Supervisory Board supports Deutsche Börse CEO Kengeter Insider ...
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Тэги: borse, businesses, deutsche, economy, hot, markets, news

Plus of tens of thousands: state is building more social housing

   2017-05-12 19:00:18

Plus of tens of thousands State builds more social housing The policy places more emphasis on ...
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Тэги: affairs, economy, government, hot, housing, news, social

Inequality: IMF calls for higher capital spending in Germany

   2017-05-10 17:00:19

inequality IMF calls for higher capital spending in Germany Surprising election campaign for SPD ...
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Тэги: affairs, economy, hot, imf, news, social, state

Eurobonds, EU social standards: German politicians criticize Macaron’s Europaplanes

   2017-05-09 19:00:18

Eurobonds, EU social standards German politicians criticize Macron’s Europaplanes Scarcely ...
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Тэги: 2017, affairs, economy, election, france, hot, news, presidential, social, state

Record high: Apple is now worth more than $ 800 billion

   2017-05-09 17:00:15

record high Apple is now worth more than $ 800 billion Hopes for a better iPhone have brought ...
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Тэги: apple, business, economy, hot, markets, news

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