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Тэг «election»

Главные темы

Case of Penelope Fillon: search of the headquarters of “La Revue des Deux Mondes”

   2017-01-28 21:00:16

A search was held Thursday night at the Revue des Deux Mondes, as part of the preliminary ...
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Тэги: election, fillon, francois, hot, news, penelope, presidential

While the left will determine his candidate, Fillon will try to revive

   2017-01-28 19:00:18
... in the presidential election? Left-wing sympathizers ...
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Тэги: election, elections, hot, news, presidential

Employment of his wife: François Fillon denounces, on TF1, “abject accusations”

   2017-01-27 07:00:15

In the turmoil after suspicions of fictitious employment aimed at his wife, Penelope, Francois ...
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Тэги: election, fillon, francois, hot, news, presidential

Primary left: Valls accuses Hamon of “ambiguities” on communitarianism

   2017-01-24 21:00:17

Between two turns. Manuel Valls is showing more and more hard to his opponent of the primary on ...
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Тэги: 2nd, election, hot, left, news, presidential, primary, round

Presidential live, J-89: Rugy does not support Valls “at this stage”

   2017-01-24 19:00:20
... of the presidential election, and 5 days ...
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Тэги: election, hot, news, presidential

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