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Kingdom's Heyday 2014-08-12 17:24:08
02:00 13.05.2014
Kingdom's Heyday
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02:00 13.05.2014
Kingdom's Heyday
Have you ever dreamed of living in a world full of magic? Wanted to rule a Kingdom and affect the fates of people just by one word? With Kingdom’s Heyday you can do all of it!
The young Princess truly wants her Kingdom prosper and become rich, and her lieges happy. The King is too busy fighting Orcs and couldn’t care less about the wellbeing of his country, so everything comes apart little by little. Shacks are crumbling, citizens suffer from the lack of food, and the whole country is neglected and shabby. The Princess does everything she can to improve things. But she is young and inexperienced, so desperately needs help and wise advice of such a famous builder and treasurer, as you are! Roll up your sleeves and get started, the Kingdom needs you! It’s up to you to create a dream magic country, where your wealth and well-being are obvious, the citizens are joyful and happy, and all the neighboring countries are friendly!
Try a game for those, who are tired of regular city-building games. Kingdom’s Heyday is a perfect game for enthusiastic and creative city builders, who believe in magic and miracles!
Unexpected turns of events will bring a lot of exciting moments, so be on the lookout! Now go ahead and take the ruling power in your hands!
read more at Games on Games Bounty rss2lj
Тэги: best, free, games, online, play
Echoes of Sorrow 2 2014-08-12 16:23:57
02:00 24.04.2014
Echoes of Sorrow 2
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02:00 24.04.2014
Echoes of Sorrow 2
What would you do if your ex-husband killed your father, kidnapped your children and shot your husband? It's time to find out in Echoes of Sorrow 2! Take this epic hidden object puzzle adventure game to the next level by solving challenging puzzles, finding clues scattered throughout the world, and ultimately solving this mysterious kidnapping!
Get entranced by the immersive story and prepare to have your mind blown. You must travel via a dream machine to your husband's mind while he's in a coma to reveal the truth of what really happened the night your children were kidnapped. It's a whole new world inside his head — a world that is not as bright and joyful as the one on the outside. Do whatever it takes to get to the bottom of this and get your children back! The epic adventure begins now!
read more at Games on Games Bounty rss2lj
Тэги: best, free, games, online, play
12 Labours of Hercules II: The Cretan Bull 2014-08-12 15:23:29
02:00 12.08.2014
12 Labours of Hercules II: The Cretan Bull
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02:00 12.08.2014
12 Labours of Hercules II: The Cretan Bull
A hero from Ancient Greece, Hercules, who tries to tame the great Cretan Bull. The evil goddes Hera frightens the bull, which goes wild and ruins the roads and buildings. You help Hercules to save the day.
As you move forward, you also get a chance to build Wonders and solve incredible Puzzles.
The game runs in Full HD mode, if available. The Player will enjoy colourful comics, as well as Hercules' surprising tricks.
Each of 4 stages has 10 puzzle pieces, which you can collect, and solve once the stage is completed...
read more at Games on Games Bounty rss2lj
Тэги: best, free, games, online, play
Lifeventure Ellipse Mug — пластиковая кружка для туристов и путешественников 2014-08-12 12:27:08
Британская компания Lifemarque Limited, известная своими торговыми марками Lifeventure и Lifesystems ...
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Британская компания Lifemarque Limited, известная своими торговыми марками Lifeventure и Lifesystems, в сезоне 2014 выпустила новый в своей линейке снаряжения для путешественников продукт — серию ударопрочной пластиковой туристической посуды. Если Вы выбираете снаряжение для путешествий — обязательно обратите внимание на товары Lifeventure — хорошо продуманные и качественно изготовленные, они прослужат Вам долгие годы и принесут максимум удовольствия от пользования. В [...]
Тэги: bowl, bpa, cookware, cuttlery, ellipse, free, lifeventure, mug, plate, set, б?сфенол-а, выбрать, кухня, кухоль, полезные, снаряжение, спорядження, статьи
ICQ part5 2014-08-10 03:23:00
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