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Тэг «felin»

Главные темы

Солнечная зима в Дубне

   2017-02-04 17:29:54

Случаются зимой редкие деньки, когда минус совсем небольшой и светит Солнце. Тогда срочно гулять ...
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Тэги: flami-photo, дубна, лес, природа, сезоны, снег, удивительная, фотоэтюды

VIDEO. Penelope Gate: Fillon caught on a trip to the Ardennes

   2017-02-03 05:00:15

On his first trip since the outbreak of the Penelope Fillon affair, the right-wing candidate for ...
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Тэги: ardennes, election, fillon, hot, news, penelope, presidential

Fillon case: investigation extends to children and the Senate

   2017-02-03 03:00:18

According to our information, the National Financial Office (PNF) asked the police to extend ...
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Тэги: charles, election, fillon, hot, marie, news, presidential

Fillon case: an employment contract at the heart of the investigation

   2017-02-02 07:00:15

Investigators seized copies of Penelope Fillon’s employment contracts for the Assembly&# ...
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Тэги: election, fillon, hot, news, penelope, presidential

VIDEO. Fillon in the face of the doubts of his camp: «I will be a candidate»

   2017-02-02 05:00:17

In the midst of turmoil, François Fillon nevertheless held this Wednesday to appear, smiling, in ...
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Тэги: des, election, entrepreneurs, fillon, francois, hot, news, presidential, salon

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