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Hello my dear friends!
Long time has passed since I had represented to you my Fashiolista looks and today I have decided to amend this mistake. And here they are:
1) Sunday lazy coffee in a cafe
asos.com ballerinas, zazzle.com iphone cover, 4shopping.ru shorts, us.topshop.com top, myprestigium.com dior nail polish, a.fashioodn.com sunglasses, ebay.nl bracelet
2) Restaurant dinner with fiancee
nelly.com skirt, flannelsfashion.com prada bag, oqvesitr.com.ber earrings, static-1.allani.pl anny nail polish, shop.mango.com jacket, flickr.com mascara, amazon.com shoes
3) Cocktail with a friend
shop.mango.com dress, 27.media.tumblr.com LV bag, etsy.com bracelet, revolveclothing.com jacket, ebay.nl shoes, selfridges.com ring
You can see othe Fshiolista looks made by me here or here!
Visit me on my Bloglovin and my Instagram

Кристиану Бенетелю (
Christian Benetel) восемнадцать лет, и его первостепенная задача - с помощью фотокамеры "поймать эмоцию в ее первозданном виде". У молодого фотографа в активе энтузиазм, фантазия плюс мастерство, близкое к профессиональному.
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