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Тэг «foreign»

Главные темы

Climate: Trump announces the withdrawal of the United States from the Paris agreement

   2017-06-02 17:00:15

Donald Trump announced on Thursday his decision to disengage the United States, one of the ...
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Тэги: affairs, foreign, hot, international, news

Behind the scenes of an interview with the Tsar of all the Russians …

   2017-05-31 05:00:16

It was by a phone call from the Russian ambassador in Paris early Wednesday, May 24, that we ...
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Тэги: affairs, foreign, hot, international, news

Hélène Carrère d’Encausse: “The Franco-Russian couple has always been passionate”

   2017-05-29 23:00:57

Hélène Carrère d’Encausse Photo credits: Fabien Clairefond ...
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Тэги: affairs, foreign, hot, international, news

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs “Against North Korea Ballistic Missile”

   2017-05-29 23:00:57
... Keiichiro Higashi】 Chinese Foreign Ministry commented on ... Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs “ ...
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Тэги: affairs, foreign, higashi, hot, keiichiro, ministry, news, shimbun, yomiuri

Britain: Legislative campaign picks up in the shadow of terrorism

   2017-05-26 07:00:21

Special envoy to Manchester After three days of truce, the battle of the legislative resumes this ...
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Тэги: affairs, foreign, hot, international, news

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