2013-09-07 16:31:31
Возможности встроенного в браузер инструмента Chrome Developer Tools можно расширить с помощью ...
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Возможности встроенного в браузер инструмента Chrome Developer Tools можно расширить с помощью сниппетов. Это ускоряет разработку и упрощает рабочий процесс. Хорошая коллекция сниппетов есть на GitHub'е.
Сниппеты в Google Chrome
Подробно о функциях сниппетов можно почитать в официальной документации Chrome. А вот краткая инструкция:
Зайти в «chrome://flags» — Отметить «Enable Developer Tools experiments».
If you've been in the shop these days you've probably noticed how much hustle & bustle happens here (especially on a Saturday!). Our EOF family in turn, must grow to accommodate that.
Here is one of a few new faces you will most likely have the pleasure of meeting sometime!
Emily just finished the 2 year opticianry program at Seattle Central Community College & really knows her stuff. She has actually been with us since the beginning of this year as the Saturday "greeter", but has since graduated to full time optician to show off her true skills... SO, when you are ready to experience your next eyeglass shopping odyssey, let Emily be your guide.