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Тэг «frances»

Главные темы

Eurobonds, EU social standards: German politicians criticize Macaron’s Europaplanes

   2017-05-09 19:00:18

Eurobonds, EU social standards German politicians criticize Macron’s Europaplanes Scarcely ...
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Тэги: 2017, affairs, economy, election, france, hot, news, presidential, social, state

Police operation in progress, evacuated Gare du Nord

   2017-05-09 11:00:19

A vast police operation was underway Monday night, shortly before midnight, inside the Gare du ...
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Тэги: affairs, company, current, france, hot, news

A former radicalized soldier arrested near the Évreux military base

   2017-05-06 05:00:36

A radicalized man was arrested near the Évreux air base early Friday morning, while the terrorist ...
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Тэги: affairs, company, current, france, hot, news

VIDEO. Mélenchon: “What I am going to vote, I will not say it”

   2017-04-29 05:00:31

After several days of suspense, Jean-Luc Mélenchon ensures this Friday that he will definitely ...
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Тэги: election, france, hot, insoumise, jean-luc, melenchon, news, presidential

E-travel. Авиакомпании Санкт-Петербурга рассказали о новостях летнего сезона 2017.

   2017-04-24 13:25:30
На прошедшей 18 апреля 2017 в Санкт-Петербурге конференции E-travel Commerce 2017 авиакомпании, ...
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Тэги: 2017, aeroflot, air, airlines, alitalia, e-travel, finnair, france, moldova, news, pulkovo, turkish, авиакомпании, аэрофлот, конференция, лето, новости, санкт-петербург, санкт-петербурга

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