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Тэг «front»

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Linux Format №3 [207] (март), 2016, PDF

   2016-05-16 17:43:02
Linux Format — это русскоязычное издание, посвященное ОС семейства Linux. Информация журнала ...
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Тэги: format, linux

A Recap of our Cinco de Mayo glasses, tacos, & beer party: hanging with ROGER & Friends!

   2016-05-14 21:58:00
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ROGER & Marita having the best selfie bonding moment ever.
Event flyer designed by Nate O.

Our Cinco de Mayo/ROGER EYEWEAR shindig was super fun! It was good vibes all afternoon in the shop as friends, great customers, and fans of Roger's came in to meet and enjoy cerveza, mexican soda & tacos provided by A DJ and A Cook! 

Good people, great glasses, awesome eats

Our favorite part of the day is getting to see the cool people who are inspired by & stylishly represent   our favorite Dutch designer's goods. Here are a few snaps of him and one of his dedicated clients, Marita.
Marita is basically the quintessential model for Roger Eye Design's bold, exclusive look....

Marita is basically the quintessential model for Roger Eye Design's bold, exciting looks... 
She's already on her 4th pair! 
We are delightfully awestruck by every one she wears :)

Тэги: best, buy, cool, deleon, design, designers, every, evil, eye, eyes, face, fight, fremont, glasses, great, independent, marita, northwest, people, place, roger, support, wearing

Customers around the Shop: Meet the designer behind Elizabeth's new cat eye!

   2016-05-07 21:31:00
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Тэги: best, bodyych, buy, cat-eye, colorful, designers, every, evil, eyes, eyewear, face, fight, fremont, funky, glasses, great, handmade, independent, place, poland, seattle, support

Eyes on Fremont's CINCO DE MAYO event is THIS THURSDAY!

   2016-05-03 20:54:00
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Тэги: best, cinco, cook, coolest, design, designers, every, evil, eye, eyeglass, eyes, face, fight, fremont, glasses, great, independent, mayo, party, roger, seattle, shop, support

Customers around the Shop: Morgan

   2016-04-30 20:58:00
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Тэги: andy, best, business, buy, cool, every, evil, eyes, eyewear, face, fight, fremont, funky, glasses, great, modern, place, retro, seattle, small, style, support, wolf

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