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Getting to know your EOF Optician: Emily B. 2016-01-20 23:09:00
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How Long with Eyes on Fremont: Emily has been a part of the EOF family for 2.5 years, joining the crew while in the midst of her Opticianry program degree at Seattle Central. She graduated & obtained her license in 2014!
Her EOF "Specialty": Although Emily is a skilled "front-end" optician, she really enjoys working on the lab/production side of things as well. She splits her time in the shop doing lens finishing work, repairs, sunclip production, and dispensing/adjusting. Emily prefers to exercise her "tactile" skills wherever she can in the shop!
What motors Emily's interests & what keeps her happily "scooting" along: Emily balances work & play really well- engaging herself off the clock with the light-hearted, the off-beat, the creative & quirky things in life. She finds interest in collecting natural "oddities", fun & colorful trinkets, & is a fetishist for Hello Kitty paraphernalia. If she's not scootering around town, she probably is chilling out crafting or sewing cool things like hand-bags & vintage-inspired items. She prefers and appreciates the "old-school way" for her art process & aesthetics.The bottom line with Emily is to approach life with a little sense of humor & fun!
Тэги: best, buy, cool, every, evil, eyes, eyewear, face, fashion, fight, fremont, glasses, great, local, opticians, place, retro-inspired, seatte, seattle, support
Шампунь для окрашенных волос Great Lengths 2016-01-15 15:22:47
5040 Состав: solamer GR8 защищает волосы от повреждения и потери цвета. Молекулы экстракта ...
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5040 Состав: solamer GR8 защищает волосы от повреждения и потери цвета. Молекулы экстракта виноградных косточек пино-нуар являются отличным антиоксидантом, который защищает волосы от обезвоживания, придает естественное здоровое сияние волосам. Запатентованный комплекс GSP-T защищает от свободных радикалов. Описание: уникальность формул обеспечивает высокое качество защиты окрашенным или обесцвеченным волосам, делая их более блестящими. Очищающие мягкие частицы сохраняют […]
Тэги: great, lengths, волос, женская, косметика
Customers around the Shop: Ash S. 2016-01-12 21:19:00
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Ash came in for a new pair at the very end of the year & picked up this charming Andy Wolf frame-- with little effort, he pinned down a perfect fit that is stylish & sharp :)
Тэги: andy, best, business, buy, every, evil, eyes, eyewear, face, fight, fremont, glasses, great, independent, mens, place, seattle, small, stylish, support, wolf
Без заголовка 2016-01-06 21:42:00
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Тэги: best, buy, every, evil, eyes, eyewear, face, ferguson, fight, fremont, funky, glasses, great, gus, local, opticians, place, seatte, seattle, support
Как в старые добрые времена 2015-12-31 20:39:31
Ансамбль мюзикла "Natasha, Pierre & The Great Comet of 1812" желает всем счастливого нового ...
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Ансамбль мюзикла "Natasha, Pierre & The Great Comet of 1812" желает всем счастливого нового года
Тэги: 1812, 2015-2016, comet, great, natasha, pierre, голубой, мюзикла, огонёк, сезон, соединённые, штаты
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