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Тэг «glazik»

Главные темы

Spectacle Sighting- Henderson's Skills

   2012-08-14 01:51:00
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Burgers & eyeglasses- two great accessories for Mr. Henderson

Our favorite neighborhood foodie bookstore, BOOK LARDER has a special treat in their window- the new SKILLET COOKBOOK!  If you pay us a visit in the near future, make sure to take a gander at it & consider developing some comfort food skills of your own by picking this gem up!  BTW, NICE GLASSES JOSH... we feel good when you look THAT great!

Тэги: book, crush, evil, eye, eyewear, fashion, fight, fremont, glass, great, henderson, josh, larder, optical, seattle, skillet, street, style

Sun Glare Beware- We have the Remedy!

   2012-08-11 23:06:00
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 upping the coolness factor of James R.

The forecast is confirmed: we offically have lots of sun this weekend! If you're still feeling the strain of being unprepared for long days of bright Seattle sun, we are here for you, 6 days a week with LOTS OF SUNGLASS STOCK...

Whether for prescription or just on the go, we've got you covered!

Тэги: best, customer, eof, evil, eye, eyewear, fight, fremont, fun, funky, glass, inspiration, optician, seattle, sunglass, sunnies


   2012-08-09 03:47:00
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Тэги: evil, eye, eyewear, fight, fremont, glass, james, keblas, project, seattle, vera

Customers Around the Shop (Theiss Family Part deux)

   2012-08-05 01:02:00
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I spy lil Sayer in the back drop fiddling with his frames

This past week, Kristin of klt:works acquired her new plastic square-rim look... we are pleased to see how they frame her baby blues and are proud to fashion this creative family with very cool glasses. Thanks for the inspiration!

Fight Evil

Тэги: artist, best, cool, evil, eye, fashion, fight, fremont, funky, girl, glass, inspiration, klt:works, optical, optician, plastic, seattle, style, wear, who

Customers Around the Shop: Natalie

   2012-07-30 23:44:00
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Тэги: cool, eof, evil, eye, eyewear, fashion, fight, fremont, glass, project, seattle, vera

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