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Тэг «government»

Главные темы

Axelle Lemaire denounces the elites “who hold power”

   2017-03-01 01:00:16

The reshuffle went unnoticed. On Monday, Secretary of State for Digital Axelle Lemaire resigned ...
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Тэги: government, hot, news, opposition, politics

Bayrou faces the temptation Macron

   2017-02-22 01:00:15

Candidate or not, Francois Bayrou will raise on Wednesday the suspense about his intentions for ...
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Тэги: government, hot, news, opposition, politics

Fillon case: its lawyers ask the financial prosecutor to relinquish the investigation

   2017-02-10 05:00:25

The lawyers of François and Penelope Fillon announced that they asked Thursday to the national ...
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Тэги: government, hot, news, opposition, politics

These little sentences of Penelope Fillon that sow trouble

   2017-02-03 05:00:15

What was Penelope Fillon’s exact role with her husband? Did she perform the function of ...
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Тэги: government, hot, news, opposition, politics

Political parity: women remain “excluded” from positions of power

   2017-02-02 23:00:23

Municipal, regional, regional elections … How is the power shared between elected ...
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Тэги: government, hot, news, opposition, politics

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