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Тэг «gramma»

Главные темы

Nissan Leaf fast charges through 10 European countries

   2012-09-12 17:03:00
Filed under: EV/Plug-in, Green Culture, Nissan, Europe/EU Good thing our friends at Green Car ...
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Тэги: categorized, culture, europe/eu, ev/plug-in, green, nissan

Fisker sets ‘world record’ with 45 Karmas charging at once in Holland

   2012-09-11 19:57:00
Filed under: EV/Plug-in, Green Culture, Fisker For those existentialists who've ever wondered what' ...
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Тэги: categorized, culture, ev/plug-in, fisker, green

Fisker owner tricks out his Karma with body kit

   2012-09-11 16:52:00
Filed under: EV/Plug-in, Green Culture, Fisker if you're, looking for the next tricked-out version ...
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Тэги: categorized, culture, ev/plug-in, fisker, green

2nd annual National Plug In Day will feature EVs, free iPads

   2012-09-11 01:01:00
Filed under: EV/Plug-in, Green Culture, USA ...and then there were 60. That's how many cities will ...
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Тэги: categorized, culture, ev/plug-in, green, mitsubishi, nissan, usa

Electric vehicle converters petitioning White House for federal tax incentives

   2012-09-10 18:52:00
Filed under: EV/Plug-in, Green Culture, Legislation and Policy Why is it that you can get a $7,500 ...
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Тэги: categorized, culture, ev/plug-in, green, legislate, policy

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